Govindha Rama-Further Reading-ma

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Forest Fire

As per their daily routine, Balarama and Krishna went to the forest with the gopalas and cows. After walking some distance, Krishna played His flute and the boys started singing, dancing and playing in the fields. The gopalas enjoyed themselves immensely in Krishna’s company every day, forgetting their bodies, losing themselves in the melodious notes of His flute. This day they were so engrossed in His music that they forgot the cows and calves. When they came to their senses, the animals were nowhere to be seen.

Each gopala ran in a different direction. All the surroundings were searched but the cows were not found. In panic, they ran deep into the forest. Finally they saw the cows grazing at a distance, surrounded by a huge forest fire. Smoke bellowed out of everywhere and nothing was visible clearly. The gopalas shouted, “Krishna! Krishna! Krishna!” Balarama and Krishna ran there. By then the fire had engulfed them all. The gopalas were afraid for their lives. They couldn’t tell what might happen the very next moment. Krishna called out to the cows by their names, one by one. The cows heard His voice and responded, “Ambaa, Ambaa.” These cows had recognized Sabda Brahman. The cows had no knowledge or education. But identifying Krishna’s voice as the sound of Divinity, they bolted in His direction.

The gopalas were troubled by the fear of death. Krishna and Balarama went to them and said, “Do not fear. Why fear when we are here? You have walked long distances in search of the cows. You left familiar territory behind and ventured into the dense forest. You are tired. Close your eyes. Do not open them till we tell you.” The fire was very near them and the gopalas could feel the hot draft. But placing complete faith in Krishna, they closed their eyes. This was not new to gopalas. Their greatest virtue was to obey Krishna always. Not even once did the gopalas ever question or disobey Krishna. If Krishna said “do,” they did. If He said “go,” they went. No questions, no hesitation. That is why they lived in Krishna’s permanent protection.

After a few moments Krishna asked them to open their eyes. The gopalas felt a cool, refreshing breeze. “Where did the fire go?” they wondered. They saw their cows around them, safe and sound. They were back in the fields where they were last playing, singing and dancing. They thought deeply about this undeniable miracle. Unable to fathom the mystery, they said to Krishna, “O Lord Narayana! Beginning-less and Endless One! Protector of the helpless! You are the Supreme Lord. We are fortunate to experience Your leelas and wondrous powers.” Saying so, they fell at Krishna’s Feet.

But for how long? Only for a few minutes. Then they forgot the miracles. They asked their “dear friend” to join them in games! They stopped addressing Him as “Lord”. Notice, how bodily attachment is ready to spring on us every moment. When people see miracles, they think, “He is powerful.” The next minute, yielding to body attachment, they say, “He is an ordinary man.” In every Avatar’s life, people alternate between human and divine perceptions of Him. Why? Men spend their lives in body-consciousness. Their goal is worldly life and they are incapable of understanding the Divinity that transcends their mundane existence. The gopalas also used to appreciate Krishna’s strength and intellect, but not His Divinity.

Discourse Date: 27 May 1995

Place: Brindavan

Occasion: Summer Course 1995

Discourse Collection : Summer Showers 1995 – Srimad Bhagavatham

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