Attainment of Nirvana-mr

Buddha attains Nirvana
When the time of Nirvana was approaching, Buddha noticed that His step-brother Ananda was shedding tears. He beckoned Ananda and told him, “Even till today, the world is not recognising the reality. There are thousands who experience sorrow at the sight of dying persons. But they make no effort to find out what experience is in store for the dead. I know the Truth about it. I am merging in that Truth. To shed tears at this prospect is not justified. It seems to Me that you are grieving over the exalted state that is impending for me. No human being should shed tears over the moment of death of any person. Tears are associated with the Divine and should be shed only for the sake of the Divine and not for trivial matters. You should shed tears of joy. Grief is not a proper state for man. Hence no tears of sorrow should be shed”.
– “The Essence of Buddha’s Teachings”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 31, May 11, 1998, Brindavan
Gautama came to be known as Buddha because He developed Buddhi (intellect) and discrimination power. Discrimination is of two types: individual discrimination and fundamental discrimination. Individual discrimination arises out of selfishness, whereas fundamental discrimination is concerned with the welfare of one and all. One should discard individual discrimination and have only fundamental discrimination. This was the teaching of Buddha to Ananda, son of Gautami, before He attained Nirvana. When Buddha was on the verge of attaining Nirvana, Ananda started shedding tears of sorrow. Then Buddha consoled him, saying, “Ananda, why are you unhappy over My attaining Nirvana? I have been craving this state of Nirvana for the past many years. Why do you shed tears of sorrow when I am experiencing supreme bliss?” Ananda understood the truth and followed the teachings of Buddha. Ultimately, he too attained Nirvana.
– “Control Your Senses”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 32 Part 01, May 30, 1999, Brindavan
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