The Approach
- Experiential Learning is an approach to curriculum rather than a subject to be taught and learnt.
- Hence, it does not have a well-defined body of knowledge, a set course content.
- The information content for any exercise cannot be pre-determined. Initially children provide the course content based upon their past experience and perception.
- However, as their involvement in the Theme activities increases, the course content gets deepened and widened.
- Thus, Experiential Learning is a dynamic, evolving process.
- Essentially, it is an enquiry method laying stress on social skills, intuitive experience and creative expression.
- In the process, the approach explores an extensive range of skills collection of all types of data and its interpretation, communication by a variety of methods and promoting inter-personal understanding.
- Ability to work in a group, giving and accepting suggestions, respecting others and the physical environment, and accepting responsibility are some other skills which are promoted with care to ingrain a stable value system.