Ramayana Tambola (Game)-te

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‘Ramakatha Rasavahini’, in this book, Swami has written the story of Ramayana in a very interesting way, highlighting many great values at regular intervals. ‘Ramayan Tambola’, this game is based on the various characters of Ramayana.

Values Learnt:
  • Getting familiar with the characters of the epic Ramayana.
  • Learning some life lessons from some of the characters.
  • Encouraging children to read books like Ramakatha Rasavahini written by Swami Himself.
Materials Required:
  1. 1 paper and pen for each child.
  2. 30-40 Cards with names of characters from Ramayana.
  3. Envelope to keep the Cards.
  4. Timer
Getting ready:

It is important that the children should know the story of Ramayana in order to play this game. The teacher should have finished telling the story of this great Epic in previous classes. Group discussions on various characters should also be encouraged prior to playing this game. This will help children to analyze the characters well.

  1. Distribute a sheet of paper and a pen to each player.
  2. Request children to write the names of any 15 characters from Ramayana in 3 minutes.
  3. Next, the moderator must pick up one card from the envelope and read out the name of the Ramayana character from the card.
  4. The children who have the name in their sheet can put a tick next to it.
  5. The first player to get 5 ticks is the “QUICK FIVE” winner(s). This winner should come forward and talk about any one character from his/her list. They can also say as to why they chose to speak about that particular character and about the values they learnt.
  6. The game continues……
  7. Next, the first player to get 10 ticks, is the “SMART TEN” winner(s). This winner should come forward and talk about the character he/she likes the most and the values learnt.
  8. The game continues till a player gets all ticks in their sheet (15 ticks). This child is the “FULL HOUSE” winner(s). The winner should come forward and share the character he/she likes the most and the values learnt.

Note: There could be more than one winner in this game.

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