Aarathi Plate – Kannada

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An Aarathi is usually performed after all the puja rituals are completed. It is performed by lighting an oil lamp or camphor and circling it around the deity. Aarti is an expression of single pointed devotion to God.

This Deepavali let us make a decorative Aarathi plate with kundans and sequences and keep a beautiful Diya at the centre.

  • Patience
  • Creativity
  • Presentation Skills
  1. Earthen diya
  2. Any steel plate, earthen plate, or brass plate
  3. Beads, sequences, kundan stones, etc.,
  4. Craft glue
  5. Acrylic paints and brush
  1. Paint diya and plate using the acrylic paint.
  2. Leave it to dry.
  3. Start decorating the plate with beads and sequences. Sample decoration shown in the picture.
  4. Place the painted diya in the centre of the plate.
  5. Deepavali aarathi plate (thali) is ready.
  6. Different patterns can be done in this way, few samples are given below.

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