See Good, Do Good, Be Good – Kannada

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PLAYERS : Group I Children

  • To develop sense of discrimination.
  • To improve concentration.
  • To develop Alertness.
  • To imitate good deeds.
  • To encourage children to ‘see good, hear good, do good and be good’.
  1. 1 pen and 1 paper
  2. List of words
  3. Mira says …. Smile (Good)
  4. Mira says …. Jump (Good)
  5. Mira says …. Sit (Good)
  6. Mira says …. Stand (Good)
  7. Mira says …. Get angry (Bad, children should sit down and cover their eyes with hands)
  8. clap (G), raise your left hand(G), put down(G), push (B)
  9. dance (G), eat (G), kick your friend (B),
  10. drink milk (G), do namaste (G), shout (B)
  11. laugh (G), pray God (G), be rude (B)
  12. touch your feet (G), stand straight (G), raise both your hands (G), hop (G), being lazy(B)
  • The guru should explain that it is a game of ‘Imitating the good acts’ and ‘Not following the bad acts’
  • The guru should also emphasize the importance of ‘Seeing good, doing good actions and to be good in character’ by using the inner sense of discrimination. Basically follow the path of Righteousness.
  1. Children stand in a semicircle or in a straight line.
  2. The guru says aloud a command and the children will have to act accordingly.
  3. When a command is about a ‘Good action’, they should perform it.
  4. When a command is about a ‘Bad action’, they should not follow it and sit immediately on the floor, covering eyes with both hands till the next ‘Good action’ is given’.
  5. The last child sits on the floor or follows the ‘Bad action’ leaves the game.
  6. The game continues till only one player is left, who is the winner.

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