Divine Guidance

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Divine Guidance

Eat at regular intervals, according to a well-established time table, move about and fill the day with activity, so that food is well digested.

[Source:Bhagawan Baba, October 12, 1969, P.N]

The elementary rules of personal cleanliness are neglected in the name of “novelty and neo-spiritualism.” Bath is given a go by. Oral hygiene is not cared for. Damaging habits are cultivated and tolerated. The mouth is the gateway of the physical mansion. If the gateway is foul, what can we say of the residence and the inmates! Unkempt, disheveled, dirty heads and bodies denote unkempt, disheveled intellects and minds.

[Source:Bhagawan Baba, October 16, 1974, P.N]

“Rajasic food enrages the emotions; Tamasic food induces sloth and sleep; Sathwic food satisfies but does not inflame the passions or sharpen the emotions.”

What should we chant while eating: listen to the divine guidelines : (Click on the audio clip below)

Why should we not watch tv while eating : listen to Bhagawan : (Click on the audio clip below)

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