Krishna Carries Draupadi’s Sandals (Chinnakatha)-mr

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(Listen to Chinnakatha in Swami’s Own Voice)

Here is an audio of a story from Mahabharata in the divine voice of our own dear Bhagwan. Bhagwan says to protect our feet, we wear Padukas (Sandals). Sometimes, for the very same reason we remove the padukas (Sandals) and hold them in our hand. Bhagwan relates this concept to a stunning incident in The Mahabharata where, in order to protect Draupadi, Krishna does not hesitate to hold her padukas in a piece of clothing that hung over his shoulders.

Listen to this audio and find out to what extent Krishna can go, to save his devotees from troubles. Discover how Draupadi saved her husbands’ lives by falling at the feet of Krishna, begging for help. Learn how Bheeshma Pithamaha got duped but was relieved instead of getting angry! All of this, in this story “Draudpadi’s Padukaas”!


The sun had set over the horizon. It was the ninth day of the Mahabharata war. Bheeshma Pitamaha had taken a vow that by the end of the next day, he would destroy the Pandavas. Draupadi was shattered when she heard this news. Without losing a second, she ran to Krishna for help. With tears in her eyes and her voice quivering, she asked Krishna, “You have protected us so far, Krishna. Can you not protect us this time as well?” Both, Draupadi and Krishna knew that Bheeshma’s words could never go wrong. Only his own words had the power to erase what he said. Draupadi then fell at Krishna’s lotus feet.

Krishna explained to Draupadi that to achieve certain things, certain strategies have to be adopted. Under certain circumstances, one should think beyond ideologies. One should be ready to do certain acts even if they do not make much sense. Draudpadi listened to Krishna intently waiting for instructions. Krishna then told her that she should go to Bheeshma’s tent. He told her to fall at his feet and while doing so, to ensure that Bheeshma hears the jingle of her bangles.

Krishna told that to avoid gossip, Draupadi should walk ahead and Krishna would follow her. When Draupadi started walking, her padukas made grinding-clanking sounds. Krishna knew that this would alert others. Hence, without hesitation he asked Draupadi to remove her padukas and to hand it over to him. Krishna kept them in his Anga Vastram (piece of cloth hanging over his shoulders). Remembering Krishna’s earlier words, Draupadi did not question Krishna and quietly handed over her padukas to him. She then proceeded towards Bheeshma’s tent.

Meanwhile, in his tent Bheeshma was restless and walking to and fro. He was regretting his vow taken earlier to kill the Pandavas, who were Sathya Swaroopas or the embodiments of truth! He had not eaten his meal and was neither feeling sleepy. How can a mind consumed with problem, eat or sleep?

Draupadi quickly entered his tent and without losing any time, fell at Bheeshma’s feet. Bheeshma’s mind was elsewhere and without seeing who it was, he just blessed Draupadi saying, “Deerga Sumangali Bhava!” meaning “May you remain married for long with your husband!” Instantly, Draupadi stood up and said “Dear grandfather, I came to you seeking exactly this blessing!”

It was then Bheeshma’s eyes fell upon Draupadi. His first reaction was shock but then his good sense prevailed. He knew that every vow he took would get fulfilled. Such was the power of his vows! He was happy that by blessing Draupadi, he was able to save the Pandavas lives’. Deep in his heart he knew they deserved it. He was very keen to know as to who the strategist was. He knew it would not be an ordinary person!

Shortly, Krishna entered Bheeshma’s tent. Bheeshma looked at Krishna affectionately and said, ‘So, this is all your plan Krishna? I am also happy and very much relieved”. Suddenly Bheeshma realised that he was hungry. A person who is worried or sad will never feel hungry. Bheeshma realised that he was now free from troubles.

Suddenly, he observed that Krishna was holding something in his hands. He asked. “Krishna, may I know what are you holding in your hands?” Krishna kept the padukas down and replied without hesitation, “Draupadi’s padukas”. Bheeshma became so emotional that he started shedding copious tears. He said, “For the protection of your devotees what extraordinary troubles you take, Oh! Krishna! You don’t even think twice if it is a right thing to be done by you or no, when it comes to protecting your own devotees! ”

Krishna smiled. Yes, he would go to any length to look after his devotees.

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