Category: Group I

Period 10 – Parents are our Living God

Story of Shravan kumar

Thousands of years ago there lived in our country, Bharat a boy named Shravan Kumar. As his parents were old and had lost their eye-sight, Shravan Kumar used to carry them in baskets hanging from a pole, which he carried across his shoulders. For years he served them with love and devotion. The parents too loved their son.

Story of Pundalika

Hundreds of years ago, in Maharashtra, there lived a boy named Pundalika. He too served his parents with great devotion.

Every night Pundalika would press his father’s legs. One night, pleased with his service to his father, God appeared in the room to bless him. At that time Pundalika was pressing his father’s feet. He did not want to disturb his father who was just about to fall asleep. So without stopping his service, he pushed a brick towards god and said, “Lord! Please wait here till my father falls asleep.”

Lord Panduranga stood on the brick and waited. At last Pundalika finished. He came and prostrated to Lord Vithoba. Lord Vithala blessed him and told him to ask for any boon he wanted.

Pundalika prayed, “Lord, please stand here and grant Your Divine Darshan to others also in the same way as you have blessed me .”

Silent Sitting
  • I will always be neat and tidy. I will brush twice a day, take bath daily and pray daily to God to make me a good child.


What all my Parents do for me?
Do I ever tell them Thank You?


“Mother, Father, Teacher”

Mother, Father, Teacher (2)
Make our lives sweeter (2)
Trust them, Obey them, love them
All our lives

  • Thank you card for parents
Silent Sitting
  • Thank you God for giving me such wonderful parents. I will always obey them. I will
    always Love them.

Period 8 – Love Begins at Home

God has given you father, mother, brother, sister, grand-parents, teacher, friends and show that they love you and you love them. How do you show that you love them? Love means making everyone happy. Your father and mother work very hard. They spend so much time and money, just to make you happy. This is because they love you very much. Always remember this. Try to make your father and mother happy. Do you want to know how? Obey them. How to make brothers and sisters happy? By not fighting with them. Speaking in a nice way you can show your love to them. Grand-parents love you a lot. Spend time with them. Talk to them. Go out with them for a walk and obey them.

Love At Home

Akshay had a pet dog. He loved his dog. It barked a lot, but Akshay loved it. One day, his brother Anil fell ill. He needed a lot of rest and quiet. But the dog went jumping around the house barking.   Anil did not complain because he knew that his brother loved his pet a lot. Akshay also loved his brother a lot and knew that his brother required a lot of rest. So he took his pet to his friend Jay and asked him to take care of it till his brother became alright. He told his brother we shall bring my pet doggy after you become alright.

  • Draw a house around the word LOVE


Parts Of The Body
  • How do I use them?

“Two little eyes to look to God”

Two little eyes to look to God
Two little ears to hear His words
Two little feet to walk His ways
Two little lips to sing His praise
Two little hands to do His will
And one little heart to love Him still

Best friend
  • If we want God to be our best friend then we must become good children. How can we become good children?
  • Zarror karenge nahi karenge game. ( Pictures or actions of good and bad habits)
Silent Sitting
  • Please God make me a good Child, become my best friend

Period 6 – Talking to God

Talking to God – Prayer
Story Of A,B,C,…

A boy found all people going to church, temple, gurudwara, mosque to pray to God. He didn’t know how to pray. He didn’t know all the prayers that they said. So one day, he went to church and closed his eyes
and said A, B, C, …….. X, Y Z.

He went back home very happy. He told his mother today I went to church and said my prayers like everyone does. And God was listening. His mother looked at him lovingly and said but you do not know any prayers. You are very small to learn such big prayers.

The boy said I chanted A, B, C …. X, Y, Z. Mother said but that is alphabets and not prayer. The boy said, I don’t know anything else. But God knows everything. He can form any prayer that he likes from the alphabet I chanted.


“Chota sa mandir banayenge”

Chota sa mandir banayenge, sairam aayenge (2)
Haato me le kar chandan katora, mohan ko tilak lagayenge, sairam aayenge
Chota sa mandir banayenge, sairam aayenge
Haato me le kar phoolon ki mala, mohan ko mala pehnayenge, sairam aayenge
Chota sa mandir banayenge, sairam aayenge
Haato me le kar resham ki dori, mohan ko jhula jhulayenge, sairam aayenge
Chota sa mandir banayenge, sairam aayenge

Silent Sitting
  • Say a silent prayer of your own

Period 5 – God loves us all

Can you measure how much your mother loves you? You can’t measure. Same way how much God loves us can’t be measured. When somebody loves us and takes care of us what should we do? We should also love them and obey them. We should respect and listen to our parents. They will always do everything that is good for us.


“Gods love is so wonderful”

God’s love is so wonderful (2)
Oh! wonderful love!
So high we can’t go over it
So deep we can’t go under it
So wide we can’t go around it
Oh wonderful Love.

In Hindi
Anokha Pyar Prabhu ka (2)
Kitna Anokha Pyar
Ooncha chu nahi sakte
Gahara Pahunch nahi sakte
Chouda Naap nahi sakte
Kitna anokha pyar

  • Rama here, Rama there, Rama Rama everywhere God is one, God is one, God is one for everyone Ask the children to sing with different names of God
Silent Sitting
  • God is one for everyone

Period 4 – Revision

Revision of Previous Class

“Khate bhi ram kaho”


  • What all God has given us
  • Draw / colour 2 small and 2 big creatures that God has made
  • List. Draw / colour 2 bright and 2 beautiful things that God has made.

Period 3 – Where is God?


In a beautiful house and a wonderful family lives Darshan. Loving parents get him whatever is necessary for him. Mother always tells him to pray and be a good boy. Darshan is a good boy but forgets to pray daily. Its morning and he had to go to school. Darshan got up and sat on the bed and at the same time some one standing by the side of his bed smiled beautifully said, “Hi! Good morning, dear friend”. But no time for Darshan to look or listen because he is getting late and has to finish his homework also. He went to brush his teeth and take bath and out there someone waits with a big smile and said “Hi! Good morning” but no time to look. He came to eat his breakfast and next to him someone waited for Darshan to offer him food. Again a big NO. Darshan got busy with his homework. After he finished, he was rushing to get ready for school and mother called out, “Darshan did you say your prayers?” Darshan said “No, Ma. I am getting late for school”. When he was putting his shoes someone was waiting near him but again he did not look up as the bus had come. But his friend followed him. In the evening when Darshan came from school friend said, “Hi! Good evening”. Darshan was in a great hurry to go and play. So he didn’t hear his friend’s voice. He had his milk and snacks and rushed out to play. After playing, Darshan came home. As he came rushing in, he did not see the water on the floor and he slipped and fell down. He shouted, “Oh my God. Mummy”.

Before mother arrived his friend who was with him throughout the day stands by him and consoles him. Darshan asked, “who are you?”. “I am your friend” got the reply. “What? My friend?. I have not seen you before”. “Yes I am your friend. Do you remember what you shouted when you fell down. You said “Oh! My God”. “Yes I am your friend God”. Darshan asked, “how did you came so fast even before my mother?”. God smiled and said, “My friend Darshan, I am always with you”. Waiting for you to talk to me. I wished you in the morning. I thought you will offer me food so that I can give it back to you as prasad. But you never remembered me till now. The minute you remembered me and called, I came running to you. Not only you my friend I am with everyone. I love all of you. In return I just want you also love every being in this world. Love all and serve all. That will make me very happy”. Darshan promised God that he will always remember God and love all and serve all.

  • After the story, ask the children – so is there any need to be scared of anything? Whenever you are afraid or feeling alone think of God. Remember that God is always with you and He loves you very much.

“When I go to bed every night”

When I go to bed every night
I wish to sleep sound and tight
So with me my Sai I take
Who is with me when I sleep and wake
So in the morning when I rise I call out Sai Sai Sai
I then brush my teeth and call out Sai Sai Sai
I take a bath and call out Sai Sai Sai
Before I eat my food I call out Sai Sai Sai
I go to school saying Sai Sai Sai
I play with friends and say Sai Sai Sai
Again at night before sleeping I call out Sai Sai Sai

Silent Sitting
  • Please God always be with me, guide me, protect me.


Revision Of Karagre
Story Of Pretty Hands

Once God sent his angel in search of the prettiest hands! He said, “Go and bring to me a man from the earth, who has the prettiest hands!”

The angel came upon the earth at midnight thinking that all the people would be at rest, and work would become easy as the angel can observe their hands from a very close distance.

The angel first came to the palace thinking that hands of the queen would be the prettiest as it would be well decorated with jewels and nourished by ointments.

But when the angel entered the queen’s chamber, there was an unpleasant smell in the air. It was the smell of the bad actions done by the queen. Her hands had done many cruel things. Same was the case with the king. The angel then visited the house of the nobles, knights and the merchants thinking that their hands may have performed good deeds and thus would have acquired beauty. But the angel was disappointed.

Then the angel turned towards the temple quite happy with the thought that at least one of the pundits may have pretty hands. But alas! There too he was disappointed. They were also full of ego.

The angel was very sad. With a very heavy heart, the angel came to the open fields and sat under a tree. The angel thought how to face the Lord without having completed the task allotted to him ! And suddenly there was a lovely fragrance which drifted towards the angel from somewhere. When the angel looked around there were no flowers, trees nor any fragrant plants! The angel searched all around in the dark.

The angel saw a farmer sleeping on the ground in the open fields. The angel bent near him and saw the palms of the farmer. Though rough and brown they were shining with a glow! The farmer was fast asleep and from his palms wafted a lovely fragrance and the atmosphere was cool and pleasant

The angel carried the farmer to God but was quite puzzled. The angel asked God how the farmer could have prettier hands than king and the queen. God was pleased that the angel had made the right choice. He explained to the angel that the farmer was thankful to God for giving him two strong hands to work with. He also knew that his hands were merely tools and that he had to use this tool given to him by God for HIS purpose.

Therefore the farmer used his hands to gain knowledge and to give that knowledge to others. He used them to toil in the fields and to grow corn and thus become prosperous. He also used them to give away corn to the needy, he healed others wounds with his hands. He was never proud of his achievements but always folded his palms before the Lord. Thus, the farmer acquired knowledge, wealth and prosperity through his own efforts and now with those noble deeds, he had reached the Lord and had merged with HIM. Thus the farmer had attained Godhood.

  • Good and Bad things we do with our hands
Silent Sitting
  • Oh! God! Please make my hands pretty. I will do only good things with my hands. I will not use it to do anything bad

Period – 1 Who is God?

Chin Mudra – God – thumb, Index finger – You, Father, Mother and Teacher – remaining 3 fingers – They help you to know about God.

AUM – Telephone Number of God.

Method of Chanting Aum

God is the creator of this whole world. Where can we find him? Is God in the sky (rocket), ocean (subma-rine), mountain, forest, explain showing pictures and through charts. God is everywhere. He is in the sun, moon, forests and fields. He is in you and in everyone. He is in the animals and birds. The same God is present in everything in the universe.


“Karagre Vasathe Lakshmi”

  • Karagre Vasathe Lakshmi, Kara Madhye Saraswati
  • Kara Moole thu Govinda, Prabhate Kara Darshanam
  • Karaagre Vasate Lakshmi
  • Karamadhye Saraswati
  • Karamoole Tu Govindah
  • Prabhaate Kara Darshanam

On the tip of the fingers resides Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. In the center of the palm, Saraswati, the Goddess of knowledge, learning resides and in the base of the palm resides Lord Govinda the protector of all beings. Therefore, thinking or visualizing in this manner, I look at my palms, early in the morning.

Explanation of Sloka with chart
If sloka is not allowed then we can explain as
  • Tips of Fingers – Wealth
  • Middle of Palm – Knowledge
  • Base of Palm – Protection


All children stand in circle. Leader of the game is the judge. Everyone has to stretch a hand towards the centre with palm open. When SAI word is uttered everyone has to show the front side and when Ram is uttered everyone has to show the backside of the palm. Any mistake in showing the front and back side of the palm, that child is ‘out’. RAM can be uttered before SAI or vice versa or can be repeated. The last child remaining will be the winner mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

  • Aum Sri Sairam chanting
