Buddha Poornima
Buddha Poornima Celebrations with Sri Sathya Sai at Brindavan
We are celebrating today Buddha Poornima or Buddha Jayanti. What does Poornima (full moon) signify? It signifies wholeness. When the mind is filled with love, it achieves fullness. As long as the mind is filled with darkness (evil thoughts) there is no meaning in celebrating Buddha Poornima. Get rid of this darkness. Without the light of love in the heart, what use is there in having illuminations outside? Light the lamp of the Divine in your minds. Banish hatred and envy from your hearts. Man is the victim of two evil planets: attachment and hatred. To escape from their grip, the only way is to cultivate love.
– “Purity – The Path to Liberation”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 30, May 15, 1997, Brindavan
You have all come from many distant parts of the world. You have come to experience the joy of participating in the Buddha Poornima celebrations. You need not have come all the way from your distant places. Buddhi represents the intellect. That intellect must be used properly. Then you will realize what is implied in Buddhism.
– “The Essence of Buddha’s Teachings”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 31, May 11, 1998, Brindavan

The lotus is symbolic of Buddhi (intellect) which gives the sense of discrimination. Though born in mud, it retains its purity. Its message is be in the world, but not let the world be in you.
It is not enough to be happy just on this day of Buddha Poornima. You must be able to experience bliss all the time, and you can do so by following the teachings of Buddha. These days, people are great heroes in making platform speeches but zeroes when it comes to practice. It is far more important to translate Buddha’s teachings into practice than to make eloquent speeches. This is the proper way to enjoy happiness. This is also the right way of showing respect and reverence for Buddha.
The best way of celebrating Buddha Poornima is to put into practice the teachings of this holy one. It is not enough to be happy just on this festival day. By constantly re-living the experience of this holy day, you must experience joy all the time. The cow first grazes; it then sits down quietly to chew thoroughly what it had eaten earlier. If an animal can do this, can not a human do the same with respect to the teachings he acquires? When you get back home, ruminate over what you have learnt today. Recall repeatedly the experiences you have had today. This is the way to digest what you have learnt and also be happy. It is only when you do this that your journey to this place would become worthwhile. You should not forget the lessons the moment you leave from here.
– “Buddha’s Message”, Summer Showers in Brindavan 2000, Brindavan
Truly speaking, Buddha is not just one individual. All of you are Buddhas. You will see unity everywhere once you understand this truth.
“Attain Enlightenment by Renouncing Desires”, Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume 39, May 13, 2006, Brindavan
[Adapted from: https://sathyasaiwithstudents.blogspot.com/2018/04/sri-sathya-sai-on-buddha-buddhism-and.html]
[Source: Sai Vani: Avatar and Avatar Purushas]