Pearls of Devotion
2. Om Shri Sai Sathya-Swaroopaaya Namah
[The embodiment of Truth]
One day at Puttaparthi, a fascinating incident happened. Baba was amidst his devotees, conversing happily with them. An ardent devotee wanted to take a photo of Baba sitting in the chair with a smiling face. He took out his camera to do the same. Baba said He Himself would take the photo. The devotees were apprehensive about this. They wanted Baba to be present in the photo too. But, Baba simply calmed their fears and took the photo. Later, it was found that, in the photo Baba was seated in the centre with the devotees standing around Him!!
This exemplary incident only confirms Baba is all-pervasive. Baba is everywhere and in every moment. He is not only everywhere, He knows everything too. Let us promise ourselves that we devotees be aware of His truthful presence anytime and anywhere.
[Ref: Pearls of Devotion, Compiled by Smt. S Subbulakshmi, Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications Trust, Maharashtra]