Stories For Children Intro Temp – Year I

Story telling is an art, as it requires creativity, vision, skill and practice.
Guidelines for Gurus
Objectives set by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba:
- To identify the purpose and uses of Stories.
- To plan strategies to explain a particular story
- To inculcate virtues like purity in thought, word and deed, love and honesty among children.
As Swami says, “Story Telling is not head to head transfer of information, it is heart to heart connection”.
The stories given under Group-1, are basic foundations stones laid by Swami. These stories stand on the five pillars – Truth, Right Conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence. The question of five basic values from the education point of view is dealt here. N.C.E.R.T gives a list of 83 values, which can be subsumed under these five values. Each story is unique in its own way in implanting right attitude, idea and habits by persistent instruction. These stories aim at developing truthfulness, curiosity, spirit of inquiry, sense of discrimination between true and false, cleanliness, punctuality, simple living etc., Gurus must practice these simple stories for better transaction. The stories are categorized under three years viz., year-1, year-2 and year-3 based on the hierarchy of values.
Stories For Children-Year 1
It consists of basic value Truth, Illustration of Honesty, Respect for Parents; Matru Devo Bhava, Effort is Man’s Greatness under Righteous Action, Love for Animals from the life of Newton and Saint Ramana Maharishi, Peace from the life incident of Dr. Rajendra Prasad and the value Non-violence through “Waste Not Want Not”.
- Be the first student
- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 0