Period-36 - Value of Time - Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas

Period-36 – Value of Time

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Let us see how things in nature is always on time. What would happen if the sun did not rise on time? Would you not have to go to school in darkness? And what else? Think! Have you noticed that the sun never rises late. Everything in nature keeps time, except people.

Just doing something on time is not useful unless it is done well. Just because you want to do something on time,you should not do it carelessly. You must do it well and on time. Even if you cannot do this at first, keep trying.Soon you will be able to do it.

The Monkey and the Fox

Once a monkey and a fox were invited to a feast. As they went along, they came across a huge tree with low branches. The monkey told the fox, “That tree looks like a great place to play on, doesn’t it? Let me swing on its branches for a while and then we can go on.” The fox said, “I like to be on time for everything. You can swing on this tree on another day or on our way back.” But the monkey was already having great fun on the tree. The fox went on ahead and reached early. After a while, when the monkey began to feel hungry, he remembered the great feast. He rushed as fast as he could. By then, dinner was over. All he saw was the fox returning slowly with a full belly licking his lips. Latecomers miss all the fun everywhere. People do not like to invite them. Who wants a person who arrives when everyone else is leaving?

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