Synthesis Of Major Religions – Q & A-hi

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Synthesis Of Major Religions – Q & A

Direct Questions From the Book – The Path Divine – Pages 25-33
  1. What is the meaning of the term “Religion”?
    ANS: Religion is derived from the term “Re-ligare” which means “being bound to” i.e. being bound back to one’s source which is God.
  2. Who wrote “Autobiography of A Yogi”?
    ANS: Sri Yogananda Paramahamsa
  3. “It is I who have who has watched over you life after you in the tenderness of many mothers. See your mother in me.” Who said this to whom and when?

    Mother Kali said this to Yogananda Paramahamsa when he had lost his mother. As he was also unable to be with her during her last moments, he was very upset and nobody was able to console him. It was it this point of time in his life, that the got the vision of Mother Kali who comforted him with these words

  4. Man is said to have been made in the ___________ of God. But as ____________ tells us we have alienated ourselves from the state of close relationship with God.
    ANS: Image, Paradise Lost
  5. All religions emphasizes on _________ of ___________ & _________ of ________
    ANS: Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man
  6. In vernacular languages, the word used for religion is _________ and the word for mind is _________. It is said that ________ is meant to strengthen & straighten the _________
    ANS: Religion is matha, Mind is mathi & Matha strengthens mathi
  7. Aspects Religions
    1. Spiritual radiance a. Buddhism
    2. Faithful obedience b. Christianity
    3. Noble compassion c. Islam
    4. Vision of Divine love d. Judaism
    5. Spirit of resignation to the Sovereign Lord e. Hinduism

    ANS: 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c

  8. Hinduism is based on the ancient wisdom of the __________.
    ANS: Vedas
  9. _______________ is one of the oldest religions like Hinduism.
    ANS: Zorastrianism
  10. _____________ is one of the youngest religions.
    ANS: Sikhism
  11. ___________ & ____________ had been born when religions had degraded into mere rites & rituals.
    ANS: Buddhism and Jainism
  12. What did Jesus Christ preach?

    Jesus preached high moral standards, love and more than anything else, service to the needy and relieving the suffering of others.

  13. Buddha and Mahavira were prompted by compassion towards all beings and therefore upheld ___________ as the supreme religious value.
    ANS: Ahimsa
  14. Islam emphasizes a spirit of ____________ to the will of Almighty.
    ANS: Total Surrender
  15. ___________ religion synthesizes the best of Hinduism and Islam.
    ANS: Sikhism
  16. All the religions were founded between ____________ and ___________ with the exception of _____________ and _____________.
    ANS: 7th century B.C and 7th century A.D, Hinduism and Sikhism
  17. Explain the origin of Hinduism and Sikhism

    Hinduism is an ancient religion and its origin is lost in antiquity, Sikhism was founded only in the late sixteenth century.

  18. All religions were born in ____and hence it is said to be the _____ of all religions.
    ANS: Asia, cradle
  19. __________ and Worship is basic to all religions.
    ANS: Prayer
  20. Who is called Arhat?

    The Buddhists and Jains speak of the Divine principle of Perfection. When this Divine principle of perfection is embodied in a human being, he is called Arhat.

  21. Explain the state of Nirvana.

    The highest state which man has to achieve is the State of Nirvana or Moksha. It is a state in which all earthly passions, desires and needs are sublimated.

  22. Who is Kevalin?

    The Buddhists believe that the highest state which man can reach is the state of the Buddha. He is the Kevalin or Mukta or an embodiment of Love and Prajna.

  23. What are the names by which God is called in Different religions.

    Hinduism Iswara, Paramatma, Brahma
    Iswara is the concept of God in religion but in vedantic Philosophy, it is conceived as Bramhan- the Absolute.
    Zorastrianism Ahura Mazda – (The Wise one) The God of Truth, Wisdom and Illumination.
    Jainisim Arhat; Kevalin
    Buddhism State of Buddha – Nirvana (Abhoot, Akshar, Dhruva, and Satya). The embodiment of Love and Prajna.
    Judaism Jehova
    Taoism Tao meaning ultimate reality and truth
    Islam Allah- the Merciful, the Compassionate and the sole Lord of Creation (There is only one God & Mohammed is his messenger)
    Sikhism Sat or Akal (There is but one God whose name is truth and who is Eternal)
    Christianity Father in Heaven
  24. All religions believe in __________ functions of God. What are they?
    ANS: Three, Creation, Protection and Destruction.
  25. Explain these three fold functions with examples from Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Sikhism.

    Hinduism Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara
    Christianity Father, Son and Holy Ghost
    Judaism Creator, Preserver and Maker of Laws
    Sikhism Creator, Caretaker and unto whom all things ultimately revert.
  26. How many Worlds or Lokas do all religions believe in? what are they? What is the Inner significance of these Lokas?
    ANS: There are 3 Worlds and they are

    Earth Human
    Heaven Divine
    Hell Sub human

    The inner significance is that these three represent different states of consciousness

  27. All religions believe in the principle of soul or spirit. What do Hinduism and the Bible say about this?

    Hinduism says, “ Body dies but not the soul. ” The Bible says, “ Dust thou art to dust returnest was not spoken of the soul.“

  28. Man’s relationship with God:
    a. Hinduism Man is _________ and _________ of God
    b. Zorastrianism As eye is near the nose, so _____________
    c. Judaism
    God created man from _____ and blew the _____ in him
    d. Buddhism _________ is the master of man
    e. Sikhism ________ is within you
    f. Judaism _________ is the ground of all existence


    a. part and parcel
    b. God is near me
    c. Dust, spirit
    d. Atma
    e. God
    f. God
  29. All religions believe in equality of ___ as all are children of God
    ANS: Man
  30. __________ is the golden link between man and God
    ANS: Prayer
  31. All religions believe in secondary gods or _____________
    ANS: Angels
  32. All religions believe in the principle of soul or spirit
    a. Body dies but not the _____________says the Gita
    b. ___________thou art and to ___________thou returnest was not spoken of the soul, says the Bible
    ANS: a. soul
    b. Dust, dust
  33. All religions emphasise on the necessity and value of sacrifice. What do the Koran and the Gita say about this?
    ANS: Surrender under God’s will says the Koran.
    Sacrifice the self unto the Self says the Gita
  34. What is the ultimate goal of all religions?

    The ultimate aim and goal of all religions are to make man perfect. Man is incomplete without religion. Religion unites man with God and even transforms him become God-like. In this one’s spiritual effort is first necessary, then God’s grace will fulfil it.

  35. Give the meaning of
    “Asatoma sat gamaya
    Tamasoma jyotir gamaya
    Mrityorma amritam gamaya.”

    Lead us from untruth to truth.
    Lead us from darkness (ignorance) to light (knowledge).
    Lead us from mortality to immortality.

  36. When Baba addresses us as Divyatma Swarupas, what does it mean?

    Embodiments of Divine Atma – It is meant to say that the Universal Divine Principle is indeed the true and very core of our being.

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