Human Scrabble

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Human Scrabble

Human Scrabble


An interesting and interactive Group activity to familiarize and reinforce positive words in the children’s vocabulary

Value Inculcated:

Focus, alertness, presence of mind, team work, co- ordination, bonding, time- management and discipline.

Materials required:

A4 size thick sheets/ cardboards & markers

Preparatory work for the guru:
  1. A list of simple words that imply a Human Value should be prepared (eg. God, Good , Pray, Share, Care, Help ,Sing, Smile, Thanks, Joy, Happy, Holy, Dear, Glad, Hope, Nice, Neat, Kind, Pure, Clean, Truth, Peace)
  2. Make a note of all the alphabets used in those words and the ones that are often repeated
  3. Write an alphabet on each of the A4 size sheet including the repeating ones.
How to Play
  1. Distribute a card each, to the entire class
  2. Explain the game to the children
  3. Call out a Value-Word from the list e.g. SHARE
  4. 5 kids having each of these 5 alphabets should come to the front and form the word SHARE correctly, in an orderly manner, each holding their respective card thus displaying their alphabets
  5. Once the children form the word, the group of children who have finished participating, can sit in a different corner of the room so that other children get their chance to play and come forward
  6. Call out the next word and so on
  7. The game continues till all the words in the list are exhausted.
  • Simple words related to NATURE could also be considered (eg.- tree, Air, Rain, Fruit, Nature, Moon, Leaf, Star, Sky, Sun, Clouds, Hill, Birds, River)
  • Other words related to religion that could be considered are – Guru, Jesus, Rama, Sita, Devi, Allah, Aum, Hari, Hara, Shiva, Cross, Easter, Holi, Diwali, India, Temple, Church, Mosque

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