Human Scrabble
Human Scrabble
An interesting and interactive Group activity to familiarize and reinforce positive words in the children’s vocabulary
Value Inculcated:
Focus, alertness, presence of mind, team work, co- ordination, bonding, time- management and discipline.
Materials required:
A4 size thick sheets/ cardboards & markers
Preparatory work for the guru:
- A list of simple words that imply a Human Value should be prepared (eg. God, Good , Pray, Share, Care, Help ,Sing, Smile, Thanks, Joy, Happy, Holy, Dear, Glad, Hope, Nice, Neat, Kind, Pure, Clean, Truth, Peace)
- Make a note of all the alphabets used in those words and the ones that are often repeated
- Write an alphabet on each of the A4 size sheet including the repeating ones.
How to Play
- Distribute a card each, to the entire class
- Explain the game to the children
- Call out a Value-Word from the list e.g. SHARE
- 5 kids having each of these 5 alphabets should come to the front and form the word SHARE correctly, in an orderly manner, each holding their respective card thus displaying their alphabets
- Once the children form the word, the group of children who have finished participating, can sit in a different corner of the room so that other children get their chance to play and come forward
- Call out the next word and so on
- The game continues till all the words in the list are exhausted.
- Simple words related to NATURE could also be considered (eg.- tree, Air, Rain, Fruit, Nature, Moon, Leaf, Star, Sky, Sun, Clouds, Hill, Birds, River)
- Other words related to religion that could be considered are – Guru, Jesus, Rama, Sita, Devi, Allah, Aum, Hari, Hara, Shiva, Cross, Easter, Holi, Diwali, India, Temple, Church, Mosque