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In the lesson plans, the Quiet Time exercise is near the beginning before the story, but it can be practiced at any time during the lesson, as the teacher feels appropriate and taking the children’s age and ability into consideration.

Explain that the course contains an exercise which is very valuable and enjoyable and will help them to learn better and become happier. It is about being very still and listening, particularly listening to the sounds and feelings inside.

Step 1: Sit in a comfortable position on your chair or cross legged on the floor.

Step 2: Say or sing:

I wriggle my fingers

I wriggle my toes

I wriggle my elbows

I wriggle my nose.

Now all the wriggles

Have gone out of me

I’m as still as I can be.

Step 3: Now make sure the back is straight and head upright.

Shut your eyes.

Take a deep breath and relax as you breathe out.

Step 4: Breathe out any feelings which may be unpleasant or uncomfortable such

as feeling frightened / feeling angry / feeling sad.

Let any feeling that upsets you drift away ……

Feel peaceful and loving to everyone and to yourself as well.

Step 5: Now bring your attention back to the classroom, open your eyes slowly

and stretch.

Step 6: Smile at the person next to you.



  • What noises did you hear. Discuss.
  • What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
  • How did you feel?
  • Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.



Sit down slowly and cross your legs. (Children sitting where they were standing).

Sit up with your backs straight.

Hands on your knees.

Everyone take a deep breath in….. and out ……

This time let’s try it quietly…..

Keep every part of your body still and hear how quiet the room is.

If you want to, close your eyes (Pause for 5 seconds)


Listen to the sounds outside the classroom……

Slowly release your body and open your eyes and smile.

Now stand up quietly and come close together. Sit down.



  • What noises did you hear. Discuss.
  • What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
  • How did you feel?
  • Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.



Sit down slowly and cross your legs. (Children sitting where they were standing).

Sit up with your backs straight.

Hands on your knees.

Everyone take a deep breath in … and out …

This time let’s try it quietly….

Keep every part of your body still and hear how quiet the room is.

If you want to, close your eyes (Pause for 5 seconds)


Listen to the sounds outside the classroom…..

Raindrops… wind…. birds … a dog barking…


Think of ways you can take care of yourself by keeping clean …

Slowly release your body and open your eyes and smile.

Now stand up quietly and come close together. Sit down.



  • What noises did you hear? Discuss.
  • What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
  • How did you feel?
  • Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.



Sit down slowly and cross your legs. (Children sitting where they were standing).

Sit up with your backs straight.

Hands on your knees.

Everyone take a deep breath in… and out …

This time let’s try it quietly…

Keep every part of your body still and hear how quiet the room is.

If you want to, close your eyes (Pause for 5 seconds)


Listen to the sounds outside the classroom…

Raindrops… wind … birds … a dog barking …


Think of ways you can be polite when speaking…..

Think of ways you can be polite when doing things…..


Slowly release your body and open your eyes and smile.

Now stand up quietly and come close together. Sit down.



  • What noises did you hear? Discuss.
  • What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
  • How did you feel?
  • Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.



Sit down slowly and cross your legs. (Children sitting where they were standing).

Sit up with your backs straight.

Hands on your knees.

Everyone take a deep breath in… and out …

This time let’s try it quietly….

Keep every part of your body still and hear how quiet

If you want to, close your eyes (Pause for 5 seconds)


Listen to the sounds outside the classroom……

Raindrops… wind …birds …a dog barking …


Think of ways you can help the earth by not wasting…..


Slowly release your body and open your eyes and smile.

Now stand up quietly and come close together. Sit down.



  • What noises did you hear? Discuss.
  • What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
  • How did you feel?
  • Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.



Sit down slowly and cross your legs. (Children sitting where they were standing).

Sit up with your backs straight.

Hands on your knees.

Everyone take a deep breath in … and out …

This time let’s try it quietly

Keep every part of your body still and hear how quiet the room is.

If you want to, close your eyes (Pause for 5 seconds)


Listen to the sounds outside the classroom….

Raindrops…..wind …birds …a dog barking …

Think of ways you can care for nature…..

Slowly release your body and open your eyes and smile.

Now stand up quietly and come close together. Sit down.



  • What noises did you hear? Discuss.
  • What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
  • How did you feel?
  • Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.


Reference : Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, A Curriculum for the Development of Character and Emotional Literacy by Carole Alderman

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