- To ease the strains of carrying on one’s duties, these should be done while repeating the Name.
- A Keertana doesn’t depend on the correct Raagas and Taala. It should be done in ecstasy of love or as a spontaneous offering to God.
- A vicious man keenly observes other’s trifling blemishes, whereas he ignores his own glaring defects, even though he is aware of them.
- Helping the vicious ones produces harmful results just as milk consumed by serpents adds to their venom.
- “It matters not which name we utter, so long as we do so regularly and continuously.”
- “The desire for fruits is indeed the obstacle between us and God, whereas disinterested lover for God wins all.”
- An action will as a matter of course be attended by its result. An act, dedicated to God will produce greater results than one not so dedicated.
Gems (Year1)

- Be the first student
- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 0
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