Govinda Krishna Bhajan – Further Reading-ta

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Bhagavata Vahini – Chapter XLII

The sage started narrating the most glorious event revealing the reality of Krishna’s incarnation. He said, “Devaki and Vasudeva, who spent their days in prison, were indistinguishable from mad persons. They sat with unkempt hair, lean and lanky through want of appetite and the wherewithal to feed their bodies. They had no mind to eat or sleep. They were slowly consumed by grief over the children they had lost. When their prison life entered its second year, Devaki conceived for the eighth time! O, it was wondrous! What a transformation it brought about! The faces of Devaki and Vasudeva, which had drooped and dried up, suddenly blossomed like lotuses in full bloom. They shone with a strange splendour.”

“Their bodies which were reduced to mere skin and bone, as if they had been dehydrated, took on flesh, became round and smooth, and shone with a charming golden hue. The cell where Devaki was shut in was fragrant with pleasing odours; it cast a wondrous light and was filled with inexplicable music and the jingle of dancing feet. Amazing sights, amazing sounds indeed! Devaki and Vasudeva became aware of these happenings, but they were afraid to inform Kamsa, lest in his vindictive frenzy he might hack the womb into pieces. They were anxious about the strange future of the son that will be born and were restless with weird forebodings.”

“One night, lying on the floor of the prison room, Devaki developed labour pains. She fixed her mind on God,and looked intently at the flame of the little oil lamp, Anxiously asking herself, ‘What is to happen to me? What lies in the future for me?’ Suddenly, the flame went out, and darkness filled the cell. Just then she beheld an effulgent Form, casting a strange splendour, standing before her. She wondered who it might be, she called on Vasudeva, afraid that it might be Kamsa in that shape. She was lost in confusion and doubt about the identity of the phenomenon before her.”

“Suddenly the Form became clear! It was armed with the Conch, the Discus, and the Mace; the Fourth Hand was held in the Abhaya pose (the pose that indicates that one need have no fear). It said softly and sweetly, ‘Do not grieve I am Narayana. I am to be born in a few moments as your son, with intent to wipe off all your travails, in answer to the promise I made, when you visualised Me as a result of your earnest asceticism. Do not be anxious about Me. Be but witnesses of the drama that is about to be staged. In all the fourteen worlds, there is no one born or to be born who can inflict on Me the least harm. Be assured of that. Even when some little anxiety affects you as a consequence of affection for the child you bore and of delusion fogging the mind, you will be able to witness immediately miracles that will reveal My Nature.’

‘No sooner am I born than the shackles will fall off from your hands and feet. The doors of the prison will open by themselves. Take Me from here without anyone’s knowledge to the home of Nanda in Gokula, and place Me by the side of his wife, Yasoda, who is having labour pains, this very moment. Bring from her side the baby girl that she has delivered, back into this prison and keep her with you. Then send word to Kamsa. Until he gets the news, no one either in Mathura or Gokula will notice you, or apprehend you. I shall arrange it so.’ He shone in Divine Splendour, and blessing Devaki and Vasudeva, He entered the womb of Devaki as an Orb of Light. Within minutes, the Child was born.

“The time was 3:30 a.m., the auspicious hour of Brahma Muhurtham. The Vishnu Maya (Divine Power to Delude) brought sleep, sudden and log-like on all the guards and on all the watch and ward. They fell in their places and were caught in sleep. The thick iron chains that bound the hands and feet of Vasudeva fell off, in a trice. The doors and the gates flew open. Though it was the darkest hour of the night, the cuckoo was cooing with a sudden spurt of joy. Parrots were announcing the heavenly happiness they felt. The stars were twinkling, for each of them was smiling in inner joy. The Rain-God was showering flower drops of rain on the earth below. Around the prison flocks of birds clustered in happy song, twittering sweet melody.”

“Vasudeva realised that all this was the manifestation of the charm of God. He turned his eye towards the new born child and was astounded at what he saw. Was it true?, he asked himself. Or, was it a mental illusion? He was fixed to the spot, like a pillar. For, Maharaja! encircling the Babe was a brilliant halo of Light! The Babe laughed outright, seeing the mother and the father. It appeared the Babe was about to speak out something! Yes. They heard the words, ‘Now, without delay, take Me to Gokul.’

“Vasudeva did not tarry. He spread an old dhoti on a bamboo matlet, and placed the Babe on it, he tore the scarf of an old sari of Devaki and covered the Babe with it. Then, he moved out of the open doors and gates, past the sleeping guards. “He noticed the little drops of rain that fell from the sky, and was sad that the new-born Child would soon be soaked. But when he turned back, he found the snake, Adisesha following his footsteps, preventing the rain from wetting the Babe, holding the ribbed umbrella of its broad hoods over the Child! At every step along the road, Vasudeva noticed auspicious and favourable signs. Though the Sun had not risen yet, the lotus bloomed in all the tanks and leaned on its stalk towards Vasudeva. Though it was a night with no expectation of moonlight, perhaps through the yearning to have a look at the Divine Babe the full moon peeped through the clouds, its cool rays illumining only the bamboo mat let on which the Babe lay, along the entire route! The Babe which attracted all this auspiciousness was placed in Nanda’s home and the child that had just then been born there was brought and placed into the hands of Devaki. No sooner was this done, than Vasudeva burst into tears. He could not stop his weeping.”

Krishna’s Advent Was To Grant Freedom

“Krishna was born on Ashtami (the eighth day of the lunar month). From the moment of birth. He was subject to troubles. But whoever cherished the Name of the Lord in the heart was free from bondage. Vasudeva was a prisoner. But the moment Devaki placed infant Krishna on her husband’s head, he became free. The moment the Lord touched his head, Vasudeva’s fetters dropped away. As long as he carried Krishna on his head and till he deposited the child in Repalle, he was free. He placed the child in Yashoda’s house. Then he returned to his prison and became bound as before. What is the meaning of this episode? As long as the Divine thoughts fill our minds, there is no bondage. But when you give up the Lord, you get bound in every way.” – SSS, 9/93, p. 227

Devotion of Vasudeva

Vasudeva, as instructed by the Voice, placed the child in a basket and carried it on his head across the Yamuna river (which parted to give him the right of way) to Gokul where at the same time, Yasoda, Consort of Nanda, had given, birth to female child. Just when he emerged from the prison, a donkey brayed to indicate a good omen! But, Vasudeva was afraid it will waken the guards; so, he held its feet with both his hands (after placing the basket on the ground) and prayed that it keep silent. That was the depth of his devotion to the Lord whom he was transporting, as per His directions. – Divine Discourse 2nd Sep 2010.

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