Beetroots are one of the healthiest vegetable you can juice easily. They are best enjoyed raw and uncooked, as cooking may destroy most of its nutrients. So the best way to consume beetroot is, in the form of  juice.


Blend beetroot, Jaggery and water in a blender

Filter the juice

Blend again the pulp and filter the juice  (Repeat this step twice)

Beet root juice is ready.  Squeeze lemon just before drinking


Beetroot Juice

Preparation Time: 10 mins
Making Time: 15 mins
Yields: 2 glasses


  • Beetroot - 1cup ( chopped or grated)
  • Jaggery - 2 tbl spoon
  • water for grinding
  • lemon juice - 1/2 lemon


  1. Blend beetroot, Jaggery and water in a blender
  2. Filter the juice
  3. Blend again the pulp and filter the juice ( Repeat this step twice)
  4. Beet root juice is ready . Squeeze lemon just before drinking
  5. VARIATIONS : Jaggery levels can be adjusted to our requirements.


* Beets are the good source of folate, thiamine, riboflavin,vitamin B 6, choline , zinc, copper, and selenium.
* Beetroot contains 20 times more dietary
* Nitrates than any other vegetable. Naturally occurring nitrates are more healthier.
* This juice boost stamina and helps to improve blood flow and helps to lower bp.

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