Sri Sathya Sai Baba says – “Dear children, Why should you cater to the dictates of your palate adding chillies, salt, tamarind and spices?It is only when you gradually reduce the taste, you will be able to cultivate satwaguna. Parents have a great responsibility in teaching the children about the efficacy of satwic food and getting them accustomed to it right from their childhood.On the other hand, if parents themselves prepare and serve rajasic and thamasic food consisting of meat, fish, etc. in their homes, how can they expect the children to develop satwaguna? I am of the view that children atleast should abstain from such rajasic and tamasic food and demand from their parents only satwic food. ‘ – Divine discourse 22 oct 2005 at childrens festival of joy in prasanthi nilayam.