Here are some recipes of certain fundamental ingredients used in many of the other recipes in this portal. Sprouts, Masala Powder, Curd, etc., are available readymade off shelf, but making them at home is extremely easy and hygienic.
“If we eat Saathwic food, sitting in a clean place, we will have clean ideas by eating that food. There will thus be a good possibility of our getting spiritual ideas. In the matter of food there are three aspects regarding the cleanliness of which we should take great care. One is the cleanliness of the material which we use for cooking food. The second is the cleanliness of the pot in which we want to cook food. The third aspect relates to the cleanliness of the process of cooking. Until the material gets cooked to its final stage, our ideas should be good.” – Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Summer Showers in Brindavan – 1977)