When pulses are consumed as germinated seeds or sprouts, their nutrient potential is enhanced multifold. A complete food by itself.

Wash the pulses thoroughly with water and soak.

Drain and wash again. Transfer to a white muslin cloth.

Bring the sides of the cloth together and tie it loosely allowing enough space for germination.

Hang this bag under sunlight (best place to hang is in the clothes hanger). Sprinkle water every 3 to 4 hours.


It is ready when each of the seeds has germinated and has at least 1/2 cm sprouts.


Soaking Time: 5 to 8 Hours
Germination Time: 24 to 48 Hours
Makes: 2 cups


  • Any pulse - 2 cups


  1. Wash the pulses thoroughly with water and soak.
  2. Drain and wash again. Transfer to a white muslin cloth.
  3. Bring the sides of the cloth together and tie it loosely allowing enough space for germination.
  4. Hang this bag under sunlight (best place to hang is in the clothes hanger). Sprinkle water every 3 to 4 hours.
  5. It is ready when each of the seeds has germinated and has at least 1/2 cm sprouts.


Sprouts improve the digestive process, boost the metabolism, increase enzymatic activity throughout the body, prevent anemia, help with weight loss, lower cholesterol, reduce blood pressure, prevent neural tube defects in infants, protect against cancer, boost skin health, improve vision, support the immune system and increase usable energy reserves.

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