Announcements Archives - Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas

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Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Convocation 2024

Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas 14th Alumni Meet and 11th Benediction Ceremony
6th and 7th January, 2024 at Prashanthi Nilayam
  • All Alumni and Group III students should report at Prashanthi Nilayam by January 5, 2024
  • Food will be provided on Friday, January 5 (dinner), Saturday, January 6 (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), and Sunday, January 7 (Breakfast and Lunch).
  • All Participants can plan their return Journey from 02:00 PM on January 7, 2024.
  • Registration: From 10 am on January 4, 2024 at W3 A 18
  • Dress Code Women & Girls:
    1. Day – 1: Green sarees for Alumni and Gurus and white salwar kameez with green duppata for girls.
    2. Day – 2: Red sarees and white salwar kameez with red dupatta for girls. Only mahilas in procession to wear uniform saree which will be given by Smt. Neeta Kanna.
  • Dress code for Men & Boys: White pants & shirt or white Kurtha & pyjama

Sri Sathya Sai Quest 2022

In quest of universal values

The Sri Sathya Sai Quest is a platform to reach out to children, parents, families and society at large on the life and universal message of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

The fundamental and eternal human values of truth, righteousness, peace, love and non- violence are for all, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, and religion.

The aim is to mould children into ideal human beings with these eternal human values etched hard in their mind and heart.

Watch out for the Samithi level Sai quest, scheduled on November 6, 2022 at 11a.m.

Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Alumni Meet 2023

13th All India Convocation and 10th Benediction Ceremony
of Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni
Prasanthi Nilayam

From 2pm on 9th to 2 p.m on 11th June, 2023
  1. All Alumni and Group III students should report at Prashanthi Nilayam by 7th June2023.
  2. Food will be provided on Thursday 8th June (dinner), Friday 9th June, Saturday 10thJune (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), and Sunday11thJune (Breakfast and Lunch).
  3. All Participants can plan their return Journey from 02-00 PM on 11th June, 2023.
  4. Balvikas Children for Convocation and Alumni Students will be accommodated in ROOMS / Sheds. Costs for the same will be borne by occupants / respective States on sharing basis 3 per room.
  5. The last date for sending the list of names who attend Alumni Meet and Convocation to Kamala Pandya by 1stApril, 2023 as per formats provided by Padma Diwakar/ Ganga Pidatala.
  6. Physical Registration will be facilitated by Maharashtra East, Maharashtra West, Maharashtra West – 1 and Himachal Pradesh at a venue to be intimated.
  7. Each of the State Coordinators will carry 2 extra copies of names for Registration.
  8. Registration will be at W 3 A19 from 10-00 AM on 7th June , 2023
  9. Dress Code: i). For Girls / Ladies:
    Day –I (9TH June) Pink saree for Alumni and Gurus, or white dress with Pink dupatta.
    Day- 2(10 th June) –Blue saree or white dress with Blue dupatta.
    Day 3 (11th June) green saree or white salwar kameez with green dupatta.
    ii). For Boys / Gents: White Dress
  10. Name of the Outstanding Alumni from each state for Excellence Awards has already been sent with brief bio data and passport size photo. Please confirm the name of Excellence Awardee of your respective State once again by 1st April 2023.
  11. Alumni student whose name is being sent from the states for delivering Speech can speak for 5 min. and Group III student for 3 minutes duration. The speech can be in English, Hindi and Telugu on theme “Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas- Pathway to Global Peace and Harmony”.
    Select only one student (either boy or girl) from each state and confirm the names by 1stApril 2023 with Neeta Khanna.
  12. Convocation will be held on 11th June, 2023. All children (boys and girls) receiving diplomas should come in the recommended Dress Code. Pink Scarves for Convocation/Alumni will be provided at registration counters.
  13. Gurus accompanying the students should ensure discipline in Prashanti Nilayam.
  14. Parents accompanying students must make their own arrangements for accommodation.
  15. Names of one PAIR OF boys or one pair of girls per state from Group-III and Alumni only to be sent by 1.4.2023 to Sasi Bala for Singing Bhajans from B.V syllabus . The students will have to be ready to go through the audition by SSS Media Centre, Prasanthi Nilayam .

Responsibilities assigned for the event management to the various states is as follows;

  1. Food and medical facility- Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
  2. Registration and Accommodation, Maharashtra, Maharashtra West-1 and Himachal Pradesh assisted by Sister Neeta Khanna.
  1. Veda Recitation (Day 1 & 2)

a. Chanters for Vedas – Either boys OR girls in separate groups of 9 each

b. States assigned for Veda Chanting in Sai Kulwanth Hall

i.Tamil Nadu (9 boys) – 20 minutes
ii.Kerala ( 9 Girls) – 20 minutes
iii.Delhi NCR (9 Boys) – 20 minutes
iv.Telangana (9 Girls) – 20 minutes

Veda Chanting in Poorna Chandra Auditorium
i.Goa (9 Girls) – 10 minutes
ii.Maharashtra East (9 Girls) – 10 minutes

  1. I-cards- for all 5 categories of participants – group III, Alumni students, Convocation, Gurus and Parents:
    by –Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh: 5 categories – numbers for each category to be provided by Neeta Khanna
  2. Punjab to prepare the Convocation scarves. Scarves for only Convocation students. Scarves should be white in color with letters in red – ‘CONVOCATION’ (to coordinate with Neeta Khanna for numbers )
  3. Band team- …. Visakhapatnam (to coordinate with state coordinator Shakuntala Vallabheni)
  4. Scroll of Pledge – Delhi NCR (Delhi to coordinate with Kamala Pandya) pledge to be lead by Srilata Ramkumar from Delhi
  5. Medals for National ESSAY Writing and Sai Quest … Gujarat/ Karnataka North.
  6. Printing of Diploma– Telangana – (All States to send the names of Convocation students by 1st April, 2023 to Smt. Kamala Pandya and Ganga Pidatala in the prescribed excel format only.
  7. Printing of Compendium of Articles: Manipur WITH RAMA SAMPATH (Balvikas Magazine editor ) Already Done
  8. Getting the Mace – Brijesh Bamalwa /WB
  9. Rajasthan has to prepare 5 Banners with Guidance and Assistance of Neeta Khanna
  10. Outstanding Students Mementoes & certificates Karnataka North /Haryana. (coordinate with Kamala Pandya for design and wordings)
  11. Audio files of
i. Theme Song by MH and
ii. TWO welcome songs by Maharashtra West-1 to be sent by 01.04.2023 subject to audition of SSS Media Centre, Prasanthi Nilayam
  1. Cultural Programs: In Sai Kulwanth Hall
i. welcome Dance – Andhra Pradesh
ii. Drama – “Bend the Body, Mend the Mind, End the Senses. – Way to Godhood” by Tamilnadu North (Chennai Metro).
iii. Maharashtra West-1 (Mumbai Metro) –group singing retro balvikas songs , subject to audition of SSS Media Centre, Prasanthi Nilayam
iv. any other inadvertently left

National Quiz – Sri Sathya Sai Quest 2022

We have been immensely blessed to have Darshan, Sparshan and Sambhashan of the Yuga Avatar Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The Life and Message of Bhagavan is His greatest Legacy to mankind. It is our bounden duty to share this Message of Love and Service of Sri Sathya Sai Baba so as to inspire mankind to take up the path of Nishkama karma to realise inherent Divinity.

It is proposed to use this Quiz as a platform to expose children, parents, families and Society at large to the life and Message of Bhagavan Baba through His literature. Inculcating the habit of Reading of Sai Literature is seen as an extension of Bal Vikas to gain insight into the lofty messages of Bhagavan Baba that serve as guiding posts in the journey of life.

Who can participate in the Quiz?

Students of Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas, Bal Vikas alumni, students of Sri Sathya Sai Schools and Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Jyoti Schools can participate.

What are the age Groups Eligible?

10-13 yrs – Grade I

Age 10 to 13 yrs –
Children with birthdays from 1st April 2009 to 31st March 2012

13-16 yrs – Grade II

Age 13 to 16 yrs –
Children with birthdays from 1st April 2006 to 31st March 2009

16-18 yrs – Grade III

Age 16 to 18 yrs –
Children with birthdays from 1st April 2004 to 31st March 2006

What are the Levels of the Quiz?
  1. Samithi Level
  2. District Level
  3. State Level
  4. National Level
How will the Quiz be conducted and what is the Medium?

The Quiz will be conducted ONLINE from Samithi level to National Level.

The Medium of the Quiz is both English and Hindi

Where to register for the Quiz?

Registration/Announcement of Results will be done through the website, details of which will be given shortly.

What are the dates of the Quiz?

Sri Sathya Sai Quest 2022 will commence after 15th July 2022.

What is the Course Content for the Quiz?


Grade 1 (10-13) Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Vol 1 Bhagavata Vahini Lessons from the Divine Life of Young Sai – Parts 1 & 2 Sri Sathya Sai Answers Series
Grade 2 (13 – 16) Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Vol 1 & 2 Ramakatha Rasavahini Chinna Katha Part 1 Sri Sathya Sai Answers Series
Grade 3 (16 -18) Sathyam Shivam Sundaram Vol 1, 2, 3 & 4 Geeta Vahini Chinna Katha Part 2 Sri Sathya Sai Answers Series

Content on Life and Message of Bhagawan Baba will be made available on the site in the form of PDF files wherever possible and short videos apart from books that will be made available in all Samithis, Districts and States.


Samithi Level
District Level
State Level
National level


Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Gold Medals for winner with Citation for each of the age groups 10 TO 13,13 TO 16, 16 TO 18 years AT National Level

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Commendation Medals for first Runner up and Second Runner up in each AGE GROUPs 10 to 13, 13 to 16, 16 to18 years at NationaL Level

Please be free to clarify any doubts you may have

24th April 2022 Aradhana day announcement of Sri Sathya Sai Quest at National level and demo of how to fill in the registration forms of Sri Sathya Sai Quest between 24th April to May 5th 2022

6th May,2022 launch of registration portal of Sri Sathya Sai Quest


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