Category: vidya_jyothi

Period 40 – Contentment

What does ‘being content’ mean? It means being happy with who you are and what you have.

Story of Snub nose

A small boy fervently prays to God to grant him a sharp nose so that he can look handsome like his friend.God sends angel Gabriel to grant him his wish. The boy is initially very happy because God has granted him a sharp nose but on looking into a mirror.… is horrified to see his very long snowman nose. He now realises that GOD KNOWS BEST & has already given him everything that is very good for him. He now apologises to God & asks him to grant him back his original nose. God is happy with him & grants him his original nose.

Do you and your friends look alike? No! There are fat, thin, dark, fair tall and short children. Some of you may be a good singer, good dancer, have good handwriting, good drawing etc.So always be happy about what you have and how you look.


“I am the way I am”

I am the way I am
And I am very happy with that
I may be short or I may be tall
My body may be thin or fat
But it really doesn’t matter at all
I am the way I am

  • Name all things that you have. Each of you have different gifts. It is easy to be happy when one by one,you think of all the things that you have. Count your blessings.
Silent Sitting
  • I will be happy with what God has given me. I will also be happy for my friends for what God has given them.

Period 39 – Be happy

Always be happy. When we look at flowers, birds, rivers, animals, sun, moon, stars and other things in nature we become very happy. If we are happy then others around us will also be happy. Help everyone to be happy.

Smile, Smile, Smile (tune – wheels of the bus goes)

God in the heaven says smile, smile, smile
Smile,smile,smile, smile, smile,smile
God in the heaven says smile, smile,smile
Ha Ha Hi Hi Hey!
The smile that keeps you bright and beautiful
Bright and beautiful; Bright and beautiful
The smile that keeps you bright and beautiful
Adds more friends in your life
Anger gives you an awful look
Awful look, awful look
Anger gives you an awful look
Scares others around you
That’s why ….. God in the heaven says …. Smile, smile, smil


Period 38 – Happiness

Be cheerful and smile. Smiling can make you happy. Give your teacher a big smile. Then smile at your friends on your left and right. How do you feel after smiling at each other? Do you feel nice and happy after the lovely smiles you gave and received? When you smile others begin to like you. When you smile you make others happy. When you make others happy, it makes you happy too.


The time to be happy is now and the place to be happy is here..
And the way to be happy is to make someone happy
And to have a little heaven right here..
And to have a little heaven right here..

  • When you are happy and you know it clap your hands
  • Do you know who Smiley is? He has a face that always smiles.
  • Draw a Smiley in your notebook. Follow what your teacher has drawn with coloured chalk on the board.Colour him bright yellow. Make sure you give smiley a big smile. Give him a bright red smile. Write “Smiley” on the top of your page. Don’t you feel like smiling when you look at Smiley? You too can be a Smiley!
Silent Sitting
  • God always wants you to be happy. He likes smiling faces. Smile and greet people. They will become happy.

Period 37 – Wasting Time

Evil Tellies

There was once a boy who was so obsessed with watching TV that wherever he went, he would arrive late. He was so keen to return to the telly that he never finished his breakfast or anything.

One day, in his post-box, was a mysterious parcel. Inside the parcel were some special spectacles,along with a piece of paper saying,

”With these you’ll be able to see time”.

The boy didn’t understand. He put the glasses on, looked at his brother and saw an enormous pile of flowers on top of his head. The flowers were falling down to the ground, one by one. And it wasn’t just his brother. Whenever he looked at anyone through those glasses, exactly the same was happening.The only difference was that the older the person was, the smaller was the pile of flowers on their head.And according to how that person behaved, the pile gained or lost flowers.

The next morning, while having his breakfast, the boy remembered his glasses. Putting them on, he was horrified to see that, coming from his own pile, was a constant stream of flowers going in the direction of the television. Not only that, but the television now had an enormous mouth, and was ferociously gobbling up all the flowers.

And everywhere he went he would see wild-looking televisions devouring flowers.

Finally, after realising what televisions actually are, the boy decided he would never again allow them to eat up all his time.

  • How do we waste time?

Period-36 – Value of Time

Let us see how things in nature is always on time. What would happen if the sun did not rise on time? Would you not have to go to school in darkness? And what else? Think! Have you noticed that the sun never rises late. Everything in nature keeps time, except people.

Just doing something on time is not useful unless it is done well. Just because you want to do something on time,you should not do it carelessly. You must do it well and on time. Even if you cannot do this at first, keep trying.Soon you will be able to do it.

The Monkey and the Fox

Once a monkey and a fox were invited to a feast. As they went along, they came across a huge tree with low branches. The monkey told the fox, “That tree looks like a great place to play on, doesn’t it? Let me swing on its branches for a while and then we can go on.” The fox said, “I like to be on time for everything. You can swing on this tree on another day or on our way back.” But the monkey was already having great fun on the tree. The fox went on ahead and reached early. After a while, when the monkey began to feel hungry, he remembered the great feast. He rushed as fast as he could. By then, dinner was over. All he saw was the fox returning slowly with a full belly licking his lips. Latecomers miss all the fun everywhere. People do not like to invite them. Who wants a person who arrives when everyone else is leaving?

Period 35 – Value of time

Being on Time

You should be on time for whatever you have to do and wherever you have to go. When we do not do so we trouble others. Even if one child comes late to class, the whole class is disturbed. If we do not keep time we cannot finish anything we start. When all our work is half-done it is of no use to anyone. If you are late to class and the story is half over can you enjoy it? Even when you eat ice-cream you have to keep time. If you eat it too slowly, what would happen? It would melt and drip all over your clothes!


Have you seen the tail of a Hippopotamus? He has a very thin, tiny tail? Doesn’t that tiny tail look funny on his huge body? Do you know why his tail is so small? Here is the story.

A long time ago, animals did not have tail. They had great trouble with insects, mosquitoes and flies since they could not keep them off. They could not sleep as the insects kept on disturbing them.

So all the animals went to their king, The lion to seek a solution. Lion said even I am finding it difficult to keep the insects and mosquitoes away. Don’t worry I will get a solution to this problem.

He prayed To God very sincerely to help them. God appeared before him and gave him a tail. Lion asked for tails for all animals. God was very happy to see that the Lion King wanted to help all the animals in his kingdom. So he gave tails of various sizes, shapes, colours to Lion and asked him to distribute it to all animals.

Lion announced all animals to assemble near his den the next day early morning . All animals came near Lion’s den on sunrise. They wanted to know whether the king had a solution to their problem. The Hippo was a lazy fellow and decided to eat, rest and then go to the king. Lion told them that God has given them all tails to solve their problem. The lion had a huge heap of tails for the animals to choose from. The animals rushed forward to get their tails.

The first animal to reach the lion was the fox. So he picked the finest, bushiest tail. Then came the squir30 rel, the horse, the wolf. They took the tails they liked from the heap. One by one, all the animals chose a tail each.

By the time the hippo got up from his long sleep, it was evening. Seeing all the insects around him, he remembered that he had to hurry.He rushed to the Lion’s den. There was only one tail left. It was a thin,tiny tail that no other animal had wanted.

All the animals were chasing away insects with the tails they had chosen. The Hippo’s tail was too small to chase insects away. All the insects went after Hippo. He rushed into the river and sat in it.

Even today the Hippo sits in water most of the time with his tiny tail – all because he was not on time to choose his tail.

Silent Sitting
  • I will get up early. I will do my homework in time. I will not be late for school.

Period 34 – Being Helpful

What is the meaning of being helpful? It means making others happy by doing something for them in any little way you can. You can help your little ways in the house. You can help your younger brothers and sisters with their homework. You can help animals by being kind to them, feeding and petting them. You can help your classmates by lending them your things when they need them. You can also help them with classwork when they are ill and miss school. Even a big smile can help. People love to see a big smile, do they not? You make others happy when you help them. It is the best way to show them that you love them. If you help others when you can. Others will be happy to help you when you need help.

There are so many people who help us to live a happy life. Let us call them our helpers. Shall we see who are they?

Our Helpers (with the help of cards and charts), Please include the picture of house maid. Tell the children that they do all the hard work lie sweeping mopping and cleaning. They help us. Without them, we would have to do all that work. So, we should be very kind to them. We should not call them by name. They are elder to us. We should talk to them with love and respect.

  • Puzzle forming the word Help – show the children picture of Horse, Elephant, Lion, Pig(Parrot).
  • Ask them to write the first alphabet of the names of these animals.
  • The magic word formed is “Help”. Ask them to colour it

Period 33 – Goodness

The Race

Once God wanted to find who amongst the animal was fastest? He decided to conduct a race Most of the animals were not willing to participate in the race.

However, the deer, the cheetah and the tortoise came forward to run the race. Those days, these three were considered as the fastest runners among all animals. God cheered the participants and blew the whistle at the starting line. The three sprinters ran at a very good pace and the race turned out to be very exciting.

The tortoise had an evil friend, the snake. He advised the tortoise to play a trick on his fellow competitors. The dumb-headed tortoise absorbed the poisonous idea and decided to play a wicked trick.

Halfway through the race, when the three participants were running parallel, suddenly, the tortoise moved his right foot in front of the deer. The deer at once stumbled, crashed to the ground and broke his leg. The tortoise picked up speed, and the good natured cheetah, instead of running and winning the race, stopped to help the deer, his opponent. The tortoise finished the race as the winner and his friend snake came to give him a hug.

But God Himself was witness to the snake’s plan and the trick played by the tortoise. So, instead of giving prize to the tortoise, he declared the tortoise as the slowest runner among all animals and made the snake crawl in shame for his evil suggestion. However, He was very pleased with cheetah for his unselfish act. He bestowed upon cheetah a gift; he made him the fastest animal on land. He also blessed the deer as the second fastest runner of the jungle. This tradition of the jungle is valid till today.

  • If you play fairly without cheating you will be rewarded at the end, But if you do not, then sooner or later, your lie will be called off, And no one will ever believeor trust you again.

Period 32 – Revision

Revision of previous class
Activity – Quiz on all 23 – 31 periods

Period 31 – Sharing

God has given you father, mother, brother, sister, grand-parents, teacher, friends and that they love me and I love them. How do you show that you love them? Love means making everyone happy. Your father and mother work very hard. They spend so much time and money, just to make you happy. This is because they love you very much. Always remember this. Try to make your father and mother happy. Do you want to know how? Obey them.How to make brothers and sisters happy? By not fighting with them. Speaking in a nice way you can sow your love to them. Grand-parents love you a lot. Spend time with them. Talk to them. Go out with them for a walk and obey them.


Once there were two brothers who were great friends and always played together. However, one day they had a huge argument about one of their toys. In the end, they decided that from then on they would only be allowed to play with their own individual toys.

They had so many toys and things that they agreed to spend the next day sorting out which toy belonged to whom. So the next day each brother got to work, making a pile of his own things. When they had finished doing the big toys it was time to sort the little stuff. However, they had already taken so long that it was time for bed,so they left the small toys for the next day. The same thing happened the next day,because they had started dividing up parts of the house.

Day after day it was the same story. They were spending their whole time deciding what, among all kinds of things, belonged to either one of them.

Anything would set them off: seeing an animal, a tree, or even a stone. In the end, they had accumulated two complete mountains of stuff which had to be kept out in front of the house.

As the years passed, nothing changed: every morning they would meet up to argue about which things belonged to whom. They were getting older, and everyone now knew them as “the grumpy old men”. No one had ever seen them smile.

That was, until one morning they went out and found that their two mountains of stuff had been totally mixed up together. Someone had been there, mixing their things up! After all that time and effort they had spent to separate everything!

Furious, the brothers tried to find who had done it. Soon they found a pair of children playing on the other side of the mountains of stuff. They were happily playing together, picking everything up, careless of whether they were mixing it all together. They looked really happy, enjoying themselves to the max.

Seeing the children so happy, the two grumpy old brothers realised how foolish they had been for so many years. They had given up playing with anything, instead spending their whole lives arguing over what was theirs to play with. How sad they felt, for spending their lives in anger. At the same time,though, they were happy to have finally realised their foolishness.

They spent that day, and the rest of their days, playing together with those two children, mixing everything up, and sharing it all. People even stopped calling them the grumpy old men. Now people called them the‘Big Kids’.


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चंगु बोला पूरा खाऊंगा
मंगू बोला नही ं दँगू ा !
इतने में मम्मी आयी
दोनों को एक चपट लग ाई !
“मिल -बाँटकर सीखो खाना
आधा-आधा दोनों लेना !

  • Draw a house around the word LOVE