Period 2 – Creator

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Take a glass with water and a small stick. Then ask the following questions.

What is in my hand?

How long is this stick? How does it look? Is it straight or bent?

(The teacher then puts the stick in the glass of water)

How does the stick look now?

(The children : The stick looks bent)

The teacher then takes the stick out and shows it again to the class

How does the stick look now?

(Ans : the stick looks straight)

What does this experiment prove?

(Our eyes do not always convey the correct picture)

Can you give another example?

(If the children cannot answer, then the teacher can give example of trees moving when we travel by train although it is the train moving and not trees)

So we conclude : “Faith is the foundation of knowledge”

We do not see God with our eyes but we must have complete faith that God exists everywhere and in everything in this universe.

He has got the sun and moon in his hands

He’s got the sun and the moon in his hands (3) He’s got the whole world in his hands
He’s got the wind and the rains in his hands (3) He’s got the whole world in his hands
He’s got the flowers and fruits…..
He’s got the mountains and rivers …..
He’s got the short ones and the tall ones
He’s got the fat ones and the thin ones
He’s got the blind and crippled …..

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