Period 8 – Love Begins at Home

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God has given you father, mother, brother, sister, grand-parents, teacher, friends and show that they love you and you love them. How do you show that you love them? Love means making everyone happy. Your father and mother work very hard. They spend so much time and money, just to make you happy. This is because they love you very much. Always remember this. Try to make your father and mother happy. Do you want to know how? Obey them. How to make brothers and sisters happy? By not fighting with them. Speaking in a nice way you can show your love to them. Grand-parents love you a lot. Spend time with them. Talk to them. Go out with them for a walk and obey them.

Love At Home

Akshay had a pet dog. He loved his dog. It barked a lot, but Akshay loved it. One day, his brother Anil fell ill. He needed a lot of rest and quiet. But the dog went jumping around the house barking.   Anil did not complain because he knew that his brother loved his pet a lot. Akshay also loved his brother a lot and knew that his brother required a lot of rest. So he took his pet to his friend Jay and asked him to take care of it till his brother became alright. He told his brother we shall bring my pet doggy after you become alright.

  • Draw a house around the word LOVE

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