
Period 9 – Faith

Story The Rope The night fell heavy on the heights of the mountains and the man could not see anything. There was zero visibility; the moon and the stars were covered by the clouds. When...

Period 8 – Prayer

Story Transformation An old man lived in the farm in the mountains with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his prayer. His...

Period 7 – Man Is Superior To Beasts

Story RIGHTEOUS ACTION The cunning fox was angry at the exalted position of man in God’s creation. According to him, he was also intelligent and more contented than man. According to the...

Period 6 – Discover yourself

Story Grass eating Tiger One day a shepherd saw a strange sight from a far. A tigress had given birth to a little cub and lay dead. The shepherd brought home the little cub and fed it...

Period 4 – Man and Nature – Then and Now

Early man depended on nature to help him survive with food and shelter. So he loved Mother Earth as Goddess Earth or Bhu Maata. He also worshipped the nature – fire, air, rain, the...

Period 3 – God in the creation

Story A True Piligrim – Sant Eknath’s offering to a Donkey Once upon a time a group of saints were carrying the pious water of the river Ganga from Prayag in north India, to offer...

Period 2 – Creator

Take a glass with water and a small stick. Then ask the following questions. What is in my hand? How long is this stick? How does it look? Is it straight or bent? (The teacher then puts...