
Period 6 – Prayer

Story Faith Kiran was the only son of his parents. He was obedient and well behaved at home and school. He won the love of his elders and teachers by his gentle behaviour and pleasing...

Period 5 – God is omniscient

Story GOD IS AT THE WINDOW There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He practiced in the woods; but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he...

Period 4 – God is one

Different names of God is just like Father is called as ‘Baba’, ‘Bapu’, ‘Acchan’, ‘Appa’, and ‘Daddy’ in different languages, God is called as ‘Iswar’ by Hindus, ‘Allah’ by Muslims,...

Period 3 – God is Omnipresent

Story Eat when you are alone One day a teacher was taking a class. The day’s lesson was on God. The teacher told the children that 7 God is present everywhere. There is no place where...

Period 2 – Where is God?

God is present in each and every atom of universe. Explain sugar water experiment. What has God created in this Universe for us? Story God is real Once upon a time, there lived a king...

Period 1 – Importance of Aum

In the beginning there was only GOD. HE made a Sankalp, a resolve, “Ekoham Bahusyam” – I am One, let me be many. Instantly ‘Aum’, the original and primal sound emanated with the first...

Period 51 – Discipline

Story Guru Ram Dass, the fourth Sikh Guru, had several disciples. Every disciple remained busy doing his duty. One of the disciples war Arjun Dev. His particular quality was that he...