
Period-36 – Value of Time

Let us see how things in nature is always on time. What would happen if the sun did not rise on time? Would you not have to go to school in darkness? And what else? Think! Have you...

Period 35 – Value of time

Being on Time You should be on time for whatever you have to do and wherever you have to go. When we do not do so we trouble others. Even if one child comes late to class, the whole...

Period 34 – Being Helpful

What is the meaning of being helpful? It means making others happy by doing something for them in any little way you can. You can help your little ways in the house. You can help your...

Period 33 – Goodness

Story The Race Once God wanted to find who amongst the animal was fastest? He decided to conduct a race Most of the animals were not willing to participate in the race. However, the...

Period 32 – Revision

Revision of previous class Activity – Quiz on all 23 – 31 periods

Period 31 – Sharing

God has given you father, mother, brother, sister, grand-parents, teacher, friends and that they love me and I love them. How do you show that you love them? Love means making...

Period 30 – Health and Hygiene

Role Play – Divide the class into 2 groups. One group will be eating homemade food and saying food prayer, etc.the other group does not say food prayer and eat unhygienic and junk food....
