
Period 43 – Don’t Cheat

Story Borrowed Feathers Once upon a time God called all the birds together. “I want to choose the best looking bird to be the king to rule over the birds,” he said. Each bird then...

Period 42 – Contentment

Story Crow & Peacock A crow lived in the forest and was absolutely satisfied in life. But one day he saw a swan. “This swan is so white,” he thought, “and I am so black. This swan...

Period 41 – Contentment

What does “being content” mean? Being content means being happy with who you are and what you have. Each of you has different gifts One of you may be a good singer, another a good dancer...

Period 40 – Contentment

What does ‘being content’ mean? It means being happy with who you are and what you have. Story of Snub nose A small boy fervently prays to God to grant him a sharp nose so that he can...

Period 39 – Be happy

Always be happy. When we look at flowers, birds, rivers, animals, sun, moon, stars and other things in nature we become very happy. If we are happy then others around us will also be...

Period 38 – Happiness

Be cheerful and smile. Smiling can make you happy. Give your teacher a big smile. Then smile at your friends on your left and right. How do you feel after smiling at each other? Do you...

Period 37 – Wasting Time

Story Evil Tellies There was once a boy who was so obsessed with watching TV that wherever he went, he would arrive late. He was so keen to return to the telly that he never finished his...
