Group III – Year III


"The End of Education is Character"
– Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

At the end of the 9 year course of  Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas,  students of Group III are driven towards inner transformation by making them put whatever they learnt into practice through interesting project programs as prescribed by the organisation. Such programs include:

Written Projects
Any 3 from the list of 63 given topics such as Saints, Religions, Festivals, etc.
Rudram Chanting
Learn and Chant Rudram by heart
Interested students can take special training in Bhajan Singing through a 12 week program called “Bhajan Vikas” which would enable and encourage them to participate in Samithi bhajans regularly.
Laya Vikas
Similarly, interested students can take special training in playing instruments like Cymbals, Tambourine, Harmonium, etc.
Disaster Management
Participation in Disaster Management Awareness and Training programs would enable the students’ participation in Organisation’s seva activities.
Summer Course
Summer Courses will be conducted to facilitate extensive learning of Bhagwan’s teachings. The topics may include, ‘Eashwaramma the Chosen Mother', ‘Summer Showers in Brindavan, 1996’, Sathyam Shivam Sundaram, etc.
Assisting Guru
i) Assisting the Guru by preparing teaching tools like presentations, activities, etc. for taking classes. ii) Taking class for Group I children (Minimum of 15 hours)
Reading for Visually Impaired
The students can take up the task of helping visually impaired students in their exam preparation by reading out their class content.
Web Development
Interested students are given projects in areas like html creation, image editing, video editing and content upload in WordPress platform for our Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas National Website.
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