Period 34 – Being Helpful
What is the meaning of being helpful? It means making others happy by doing something for them in any little way you can. You can help your little ways in the house. You can help your younger brothers and sisters with their homework. You can help animals by being kind to them, feeding and petting them. You can help your classmates by lending them your things when they need them. You can also help them with classwork when they are ill and miss school. Even a big smile can help. People love to see a big smile, do they not? You make others happy when you help them. It is the best way to show them that you love them. If you help others when you can. Others will be happy to help you when you need help.
There are so many people who help us to live a happy life. Let us call them our helpers. Shall we see who are they?
Our Helpers (with the help of cards and charts), Please include the picture of house maid. Tell the children that they do all the hard work lie sweeping mopping and cleaning. They help us. Without them, we would have to do all that work. So, we should be very kind to them. We should not call them by name. They are elder to us. We should talk to them with love and respect.
- Puzzle forming the word Help – show the children picture of Horse, Elephant, Lion, Pig(Parrot).
- Ask them to write the first alphabet of the names of these animals.
- The magic word formed is “Help”. Ask them to colour it