Vedaanuddharate Sloka

- Vedaanuddharate Jagan Nivahate
- Bhoogolam Udbibhrate
- Daityam Darayate Balim Chalayate
- Kshatrakshayam Kurvate
- Paulastyam Jayate Halam Kalayate
- Kaarunyamaatanvate
- Mlechaan Moorchayate Dashaakritikrite
- Krishnaaya Tubhyam Namah
This prayer is to Lord Vishnu, who has incarnated whenever His devotees needed protection from unrighteousness. The ten incarnations are described in the above shloka. They are Matsyaavatar, Kurmavatar, Varahavatar, Narasimhavatar, Vamanavatar, Parashuramavatar, Ramavatar, Balaramavatar, Krishnavatar and Kalkiavatar (Our Lord Sai). O Lord, I surrender to Thy Lotus feet.
VEDAA | Sacred vedas |
UDDHARATE | To protect, to save, to revive |
JAGAN NIVAHATE | World is always taken care of or carried up |
UDBIBHRATE | Carried upwards to protect |
DAITYAM | Demons born to Diti, the wife of Sage Kashyapa |
DAARAYATE | Killed |
BALIM | King Bali |
CHALAYATE | Deceived |
KSHATRAKSHAYAM | Destruction of the sect of people known as Kshatriyas or the rulers |
KURVATE | Done, to do |
PAULASTYAM | Ravana, born in the family of Paulastya |
JAYATE | Victory |
HALAM | A plough |
KALAYATE | Carried |
KAARUNYAM AATANVATE | The one who does not owe anything to anyone but who is ever ready to give. He who is unconditionally merciful. |
MLECHAAN | The wicked people |
MOORCHAYATE | to stupefy, to make unconscious |
DASHA KRITI KRITE | One who has taken ten forms |
KRISHNAAYA | Lord Krishna, One who attracts all |
TUBHYAM | To you |
NAMAHA | I bow down |
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- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
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