Period 25 – Service to Man is service to God

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Serve man Serve God

Once upon time, there lived a poor, old cobbler named Martin. He had only a few things and just enough food to eat, but he had a kind heart and he loved God. One day, God appeared in his dream and told him that He would visit him the next day. He asked Martin to keep something nice for Him to eat.

Martin got up next morning, and used all his money to buy some vegetables. He made a tasty broth for the Lord and waited. Looking out of the window, Martin saw a poor, old man shivering in the cold outside. Martin gave the old man a blanket and the cup of tea, he had made for himself.

Then came an old woman, nearly fainting with hunger. Martin gave her a part of the warm broth. he had made for God and some fruits. She blessed him and left.

Then he heard a baby crying. Looking out, he saw a poor mother weeping because she had no milk to give her hungry baby. Martin gave her all the milk he had. The child smiled at him after drinking the milk. The mother and baby left.

It was getting dark. Martin was very sad. Now, even if God came, he only had a little cold broth to give Him; not even milk or fruits. He begged God to forgive him. Suddenly, he heard footsteps outside and a strange light entered his room.

In the light, there appeared before him, the shivering old man, the starving old woman and the poor mother with the hungry baby. Then in that beautiful light, Martin heard God’s voice say, “It was I! It was I! It was I!” The light vanished ! Martin was blessed by God because he had served the poor.

Tune – if you are happy and you know it …

Be kind to the poor and needy
Be kind to the poor and needy
When you know that “God lives in all”
Be kind to the poor and needy.

Be punctual throughout your life
Be punctual throughout your life
When you know that “Time is precious”
Be punctual throughout your life.

Be honest in whatever you do
Be honest in whatever you do
When you know that “Honesty is the best policy”
Be honest in whatever you do.

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