Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas Convocation 2024

Sri Sathya Sai Balvikas 14th Alumni Meet and 11th Benediction Ceremony
6th and 7th January, 2024 at Prashanthi Nilayam
  • All Alumni and Group III students should report at Prashanthi Nilayam by January 5, 2024
  • Food will be provided on Friday, January 5 (dinner), Saturday, January 6 (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner), and Sunday, January 7 (Breakfast and Lunch).
  • All Participants can plan their return Journey from 02:00 PM on January 7, 2024.
  • Registration: From 10 am on January 4, 2024 at W3 A 18
  • Dress Code Women & Girls:
    1. Day – 1: Green sarees for Alumni and Gurus and white salwar kameez with green duppata for girls.
    2. Day – 2: Red sarees and white salwar kameez with red dupatta for girls. Only mahilas in procession to wear uniform saree which will be given by Smt. Neeta Kanna.
  • Dress code for Men & Boys: White pants & shirt or white Kurtha & pyjama



Children look forward to the festival of Gokulashtami with great interest. They get varieties of eatables on this day. It is also called ‘Krishna janmashtami’, the Ashtami(eighth day after full moon called Krishnapaksha – the time of waning moon) on which Sri Krishna was born. It is a day Lord Vishnu took birth as Krishna. Usually it occurs during August or September. The day is observed with great faith and devotion. In the evening, decorated idol of Krishna is placed in a cradle and worshipped.

Krishna & Sudama

Sudama was Krishna’s friend and devotee. He belonged to a poor Brahmin family. Years passed and Krishna became king of Dwarka but Sudama remained a poor man. Sudama and his wife and children starved without food.

Tired of their pitiable state, one day his wife advised him go seek his friend Krishna’s help. Sudama who was an extremely honest man felt ashamed to ask for help. When his wife insisted, Sudama agreed to go, but realised that going empty-handed to meet a friend after so long would look odd. So he carried with him a handful of puffed rice as a gift. Krishna greeted Sudama warmly when he arrived at the palace. Seeing the splendor of Dwarka, Sudama felt awed. Krishna’s hospitality humbled him, and was now feeling embarrassed to take out his simple gift. Seeing a small bag in Sudama’s hand, Krishna promptly asked him whether his gift was inside the bag. Sudama unwillingly took it out and said he could not gift a handful of puffed rice to a king. Krishna immediately understood Sudama’s problem. He happily accepted the gift as if it was the most precious thing.

When Sudama reached home the next day, he saw a huge mansion instead of his hut and his family wearing new clothes. He went inside and found lots of food. At once he knew that god had showered his blessings on him.

Sri Sathya Sai Quest 2022

In quest of universal values

The Sri Sathya Sai Quest is a platform to reach out to children, parents, families and society at large on the life and universal message of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

The fundamental and eternal human values of truth, righteousness, peace, love and non- violence are for all, irrespective of caste, colour, creed, and religion.

The aim is to mould children into ideal human beings with these eternal human values etched hard in their mind and heart.

Watch out for the Samithi level Sai quest, scheduled on November 6, 2022 at 11a.m.



Explain about festival of dassera and methods of celebration all over the country and the importance of deities Durga,



During the month of Ramzan, the Muslims observe ‘Roza’ or fasting for 30 days. This is the time when Prophet Mohammed got the revelation of ‘Koran’, which is the holy book of the Muslims. During the month of Ramzan, the Muslims fast from 6 am to 6 pm. Id-il-fitr is the end of fasting. It is a day of prayers, rejoicing, feasting and merriment; greetings are exchanged on this day. Mecca is the holy place of Muslims. Islam means surrender. Allah is the God and Mohammed is the prophet. The Muslims pray 5 times each – it is called ‘namaz’.

Makar Sankaranti

Makar Sankaranti

Makar Sankaranti is the day when the glorious Sun God begins into the Northern Hemisphere. Sun stands for spiritual knowledge and wisdom. Makar Sankaranti. It is a harvest festival. This festival is celebrated differently in different parts of India.

In Uttar Pradesh this festival is called “KHICHIRI’. Taking a dip in the holy rivers on this day is regarded as most auspicious. A big one month long “Magha – Mela’ fair begins at Prayag(Allahabad) on this occasion.

In Bengal every year a big mela is held at Ganga Sagar. This mela is attended by a large number of pilgrims from all over the country.

In Tamil Nadu Sankarant is known by the name ‘PONGAL’. It is very popular amongst the farmers. Sankarant is a worship of Sun God.

In Andhra Pradesh it is celebrated as a three day harvest festival “PONGAL’.

In Maharashtra on Sankaranti day people exchange tilgud, til laddus. While exchanging tilguls as token of goodwill people greet each other and ask each other to forget the past ill-feelings and resolve to speak sweetly and remain friends.

In Gujarat Sankarant is celebrated more or less as in Maharashtra but the difference is there is a custom of giving gifts to relatives. Kite flying has been associated with this festival and has become an international event.

In Punjag it is celebrated as ‘LOHARI’.

The 40 days anushthana by the devotees of Ayyappa ends on this day in Sabarimala in a big way.

In Bundelkhand and Madhya Pradesh this festival is known as ‘ SAKARAT’ and is celebrated with great pomp and merriment.

Tribals of Orissa start their new year from this day.

Activity – Sun’s importance and what we learn from Sun. Making Kite.


Take a lesson from the Sun who shines his light on every one
Or the rain that falls on every single shore
No distinction of our race or the colour of our face
Nature’s gifts are there for all men rich or poor.
Love all, Serve all, Understand that Love and Peace is what we need.
Love all, Serve all in every thought, word and deed.
Bear all and do nothing, hear all and say nothing
Give all and take nothing in return
Love is giving and forgiving, self is getting and forgetting
Love all in the spirit of True Love, Love all, Serve all, Understand.
(Live in Love, Love is the solvent of hardest of hard.
Love can confer peace, joy and wisdom
Cultivate love, express love
Let love be your breathe. Love can make gather the affection of all mankind.
The bliss that you give, the love that you share ALONE will be everlasting possession. Love those in tears.
No untruth, no anxiety, no grief. Soak every moment in Love. Spread love.. live in love)
Bear …..

Raksha Bandan

Raksha Bandan

Raksha Bandhan is celebrated as the day where a sister ties a thread around her brother’s wrist as a symbol of protection while the he promises to protect and take care of her.

Krishna and Draupadi

Devote time and Energy to Positive People ~ Don’t let anyone undermine your dreams ~ Think Positive ~

Perhaps the most popular of the rakhi stories in our mythology is that of Lord Krishna and Draupadi — the wife of the five Pandavas. An incident in their lives finds a man amongst the various stories of the Mahabharata.

According to one version on a Sankranti day, Krishna managed to cut his little finger while handling sugarcane. Rukmini, his queen immediately sent her help to get a bandage cloth while Sathyabama, his other consort rushed to bring some cloth herself.

Draupadi who was watching all of this rather simply tore off a part of her sari and bandaged his finger. In return for this deed, Krishna promised to protect her in time of distress

The word he is said to have uttered is ‘Akshyam’ which was a boon: ‘May it be unending’. And that was how Draupadi’s sari became endless and saved her embarrassment on the day she was disrobed in full public view in king Dritarashtra’s court.

Among the many tales of Raksha Bandhan, a version of the story of Rani Karnavati and Emperor Humayun is one that often finds a mention. Karnavati was the regent of Mewar after the death of her husband Rana Sanga. She ruled in the name of her elder son Vikramjeet.

When Bahadur Shah of Gujarat attacked Mewar for the second time — he had defeated Vikramjeet earlier — the queen began reaching out to her nobles for support. Initially apprehensive, the nobles finally agreed to take on Shah.

In the meanwhile, Karnavati also wrote to Humayun, for help. She sent him a rakhi and sought protection.

Interestingly, Humayun’s father Babur had defeated Rana Sanga when he led a confederation of Rajput armies against him in 1527.

The Mughal emperor was in the middle of another military campaign when he received the call for help. Abandoning it he turned his attention to Mewar. Unfortunately, he never made it on time.

Buddha Purnima

Buddha Purnima

Prince Siddhartha was very kind to people, animals and other living things. He was also a very brave horseman and won many prizes in the country. Although he did not have to suffer any hardships and difficulties, as he had everything, he always thought of the poor people and living things who were working hard to make him happy. He felt sorry for them and wanted to make them happy too.

One day he was walking in the woods with his cousin Devadatta, who had brought his bow and arrows with him. Suddenly, Devadatta saw a swan flying and shot at it. His arrow brought the swan down. Both the boys ran to get the bird. As Siddhartha could run faster than Devadatta, he reached the swan’s injured body first and found, to his surprise, that it was still alive. He gently pulled out the arrow from the wing. He then got a little juice from cool leaves, put it on the wound to stop the bleeding and with his soft hand stroked the swan, which was very frightened. When Devadatta came to claim the swan, Prince Siddhartha refused to give it to him.

Devadatta was very angry to see his cousin keeping the swan away from him. “Give me my bird! I shot it down,” said Devadatta.

“No, I am not going to give it to you,” said the Prince. “If you had killed it, it would have been yours. But now, since it is only wounded but still alive, it belongs to me.”

Devadatta still did not agree. Then Siddhartha suggested, “Let us go to the court of the Sage and ask him who really owns the swan.” Devadatta agreed, so off they went to the court of the Sage to tell him about their quarrel.

The Sage, hearing both boys’ version of the story, said, “A life certainly must belong to he who tries to save it, a life cannot belong to one who is only trying to destroy it.

Gandhi Jayanthi

Gandhi Jayanthi

You have heard the name of Mahatma Gandhiji. For India he is the father of the Nation just as George Washington is the father of America. As a mark of respect for him, we call him Gandhiji. His father’s name was Karamchand Gandhi and mother’s name was Putlibai. He was born in Porbandar, in the state of Gujarat.

It once so happened that a group of people came to perform a drama in Porbandar. It was about the ancient King Harishchandra who was very truthful. Gandhiji saw how much Harishchandra had to suffer to be truthful. This had a lasting effect on Gandhiji. He decided that he would also always tell the truth. Soon truth became his way of life. He made up his mind that even if the truth led him to trouble, he would never give it up.

One day, his father gave him a book about Shravan who was extremely devoted to his parents. Gandhiji quickly finished the book. He saw a picture in which Shravan was carrying his parents on his shoulders, since both of them were blind, and wanted to go to all the holy places. Gandhiji decided that he would also take care of his parents.

Vanity Learns the Lesson

Once, Gandhiji was sailing in a big, foreign steamer to attend a conference in England, and sitting at a desk on the deck, he was writing a letter. A well-dressed European was amused to see Gandhiji who appeared to him quite different from all other passengers on the ship.

The vain European went to his room and taking some bits of paper, started writing nasty sentences and drawing funny pictures to annoy Gandhiji. He wondered why a half-naked, bald-headed and toothless old man should go to England at all. He advised Gandhiji to give up this ‘madness’ of going abroad. He neatly pinned all the bits of paper and came out of the room.

Walking proudly on the deck, he came to the desk where Gandhiji sat writing. As Gandhiji looked up, he handed over to him the pinned bits paper, expressing his disrespect for the ‘black Indians’. “You will find this interesting and useful. Read it and keep it with you”, he said to Gandhiji.

He, then went and stood at some distance to see Gandhiji’s reaction to what he had done. Gandhiji calmly rea every word written by him, raised his head and looked for a moment at the young man. Then he slowly took off the pin and threw away the bits of paper into the waste paper basket under the desk. “I have done just what you asked me to do”, he said, giving the young man his usual smile. “I have kept with me your pin which is the only interesting and useful thing you gave me thank you”.

The young European at once realised his mistake. He had expected that on seeing what he had written, Gandhiji would burst into a rage and create a scene which all the White passengers on the ship would enjoy. Now, Gandhiji’s short and sweet reply went straight to his heart. He realised how intelligent, cultured and humble Gandhiji was. He hung down his head in shame and went back the way he had come.



Kailasaraana Shiva Chandramouli
Phaneedra maathaa Mukutee Zalaalee
Kaarunya sindhu Bhavadukha Haaree
Thuzaveena Shambho Maja Kona Taaree


When the demons and the Gods churned the Ocean, they found fourteen jewels coming out of the sea, one after another. At one stage, there came out a cup full of poison. The poison was so strong, that even a drop of it would have burnt the whole world. Now the problem was how to get rid of it! Where to keep such a deadly thing? Gods and demons approached Lord Vishnu, who was their only supporter. In order to show how mighty Lord Shiva was, Lord Vishnu directed them to him. They all reached the Kailasa mountain, carrying the cup of poison in their hands very

carefully. The Lord was seated in His meditative mood. They all pleaded to Him and explained to Him what they had come for. Lord Shiva smiled and assured them. With one gulp, He swallowed the poison. There it started going down this throat. But Shiva knew that, if the poison got mixed with His blood, then with the contact of His feet to the earth, the whole world would burn to ashes. So he did not allow the poison to go down the throat. He kept it in His throat. The poison scorched Him so much that He tried all remedies to cool the burning effect of the poison.

First, he kept the moon to cool it, but it could not reduce the burning. He then put Ganga upon his matted hair, yet it had no effect. At last, Lord Shiva began to chant ‘Rama Nama’, and at once it cooled the scorching of the poison. That is why Lord has moon on His forehead.