
Period 19 – Happiness

Story Make someone happy A 9 Year Boy went to an ICE CREAM shop . Waiter :- What do you want? Boy :- How much a CONE ICE CREAM costs ? Waiter :- Rs.15/- Then the BOY checked his pocket...

Period 16 – Kindness

How can you be kind at home? Being respectful and helpful to your parents and elders, loving to your brothers and sisters, You can be kind at school by being obedient, helpful and...

Period 15 – Neighbours

Who are neighbours? Neighbours are those who live near you. Next to your family it is your neighbours who areclosest to you. Love your neighbours also. Learn to love the children living...

Period 14 – Healthy Living

Does anyone like to be ill? A lot of illness and pain can be avoided if we practice a few simple things. Healthy living includes four main things – a clean body, good food, good habits,...

Period 13 – Eating habits

All habits relating to health. Sloka Food Prayer Harir data Harir Bhoktaa, harir annam Prajapathi Harir vipra Sharirasthu, bhoonkte bhojayate Hari. Story Veggie vengeance There once...

Period 12 – Parts of the Body

Song Be careful little eyes, what you see, what you see, be careful little eyes what you see There is god watching you, he is always watching you, be careful little eyes what you see. Be...

Period 11 – Love extends to school

School can be a fun-filled place. Be a good student – how can you be a good student? Your teachers work hard. They spend time with you. They help you to learn and grow up to be a fine...
