
Period 9 – How animals help us and what can we learn from them?

Animals help us in many ways. Guide dogs help blind people. They show them the way. Police dogs help policemen to find thieves. Elephants pull heavy logs of wood. Bullocks, horses,...

Period 10 – Knowledge / Wisdom

Sloka Saraswati is the Vakshakti i.e the urge to express the Harmony, beauty and Melody in creation through the medium of language, music, dance art or sculpture. She is the...

Period 8 – Trees

Trees Can be taken as experiential learning Let us consider the parts of tree – the trunk, leaves, branches, buds, flowers and fruits. Different ways in which tree helps us Trees give...

Period 7 – How nature teaches us?

What is nature? It is the sun, moon, stars, trees, plants, flowers, rivers, mountains etc. Close your eyes and see these things in your mind. How lovely nature is! There is so much peace...

Period 6 – Prayer

Story Faith Kiran was the only son of his parents. He was obedient and well behaved at home and school. He won the love of his elders and teachers by his gentle behaviour and pleasing...

Period 5 – God is omniscient

Story GOD IS AT THE WINDOW There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He practiced in the woods; but he could never hit the target. Getting a little discouraged, he...

Period 4 – God is one

Different names of God is just like Father is called as ‘Baba’, ‘Bapu’, ‘Acchan’, ‘Appa’, and ‘Daddy’ in different languages, God is called as ‘Iswar’ by Hindus, ‘Allah’ by Muslims,...
