
Period 49 – Peace

Story Listen to the sound of silence There once was a farmer who discovered that he had lost his watch in the barn. It was no ordinary watch because it had sentimental value for him....

Period 48 – Action and Reaction

Story A POUND OF BUTTER There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to the baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound and he found that he...

Period 47 – Success

Story Success: Thomas Edison Thomas Alva Edison was a gifted child who possessed a spirit of enquiry – he wished to know the how and why of things around him by asking others and then by...

Period 46 – Strength

Story To Complete Any Task Use All Your Strength A young boy and his father were walking along a forest path. At some point, they came across a large tree branch on the ground in front...

Period 45 – Gratitude

Your parents, teachers, elders as well as your friends do many things for you. at times, they do things to please you and make you happy. More often than not, they go through a lot of...

Period 48 – Greediness

Story The Greedy Cloud Once upon a time lived on a cloud that was grown up over a very beautiful country. One day, she saw another much bigger cloud and she felt so much envy, than the...

Period 40 – Laziness

Story Lazy Meena Once upon a time there lived a young girl called Meena who was very, very lazy. She did not want to do any work at all. Whenever her mother called her to help with...
