Ram Hare Sai Krishna Hare-Bhajan

- Ram Hare Sai Krishna Hare
- Sarva Dharma Priya Sai Hare
- Allah Eashwar Sai Hare
- Guru Nanak Yeshu Buddha Hare
- Zohrashtra Mahavira Sai Hare
- Sarvadharma Priya Sai Hare
This is a SarvaDharma bhajan. We bow down to all names of one Lord Rama, Krishna, allah, Ishwara, GuruNanak, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Zorashtra and Mahavira. Our Lord Sathya Sai always stresses the unity of all Faiths. All Faiths and Religions are equally dear to our Lord Sai and He represents all religions.
Ram | Lord Rama. It means ‘He who is pleasing’ |
Sai | Refers to our beloved Lord Sai. It means ‘master’ |
Krishna | Lord Krishna. The name ‘Krishna comes’ from the root word ‘Karsh’ which means to attract or draw towards as in ‘aakarshana’. |
Sarvadharma | Sarva – all; dharma – religion |
Priya | One who loves |
Allah | The name that Muslims use to refer to the formless God. Bhagawan says ‘A’ stands for ‘Atma’ or ‘The Eternal Soul’ and ‘la’ stands for ‘layam’ or ‘merging’ |
Eashwar | Means ‘master’. Generally used for Lord Shiva. |
Guru Nanak | Guru Nanak, the first among the 10 Gurus responsible for founding the Sikh religion. |
Yeshu | Lord Jesus. Bhagawan says ‘Ye’ means ‘one’ and ‘su’ means ‘good’. Thus, ‘Yesu’ means, ‘There is only one good’, indicating the one God who is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. |
Buddha | Lord Buddha. Means ‘the enlightened one’ |
Zohrashtra | Zoroaster, the Prophet of Iran, who formally spread the religion known as Zoroastrianism, one of the earliest revealed religions of the world. His name means ‘He of the Golden Light’ |
Mahavir | Lord Mahavira, the founder of Jainism. His name can be split into ‘Maha’ meaning ‘great’ and ‘vira’ meaning ‘the brave one’ |
Baba | Literally means ‘father’. It is used often for Bhagawan Baba. |
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- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 0
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