Pranayaamam Pratyaharam

- Pranayaamam Pratyaharam
- Nityanityavivekavicharam
- Jaapyasameta Samadhividhanam
- Kurvavadhanam Mahadavadhanam
Mastery over breath (control of the vital airs) and restraining of the senses, discrimination between the enduring and the fleeting, the Eternal and the transient, Japa and Meditation and submerging of the bodily and mental consciousness in the Consciousness of the Spirit, merging oneself into the total Inner Silence – these are the disciplines which one should practise with unrelenting fervour (for attaining Govinda).

Pranayamam | breath-control |
Pratyaharam | withdrawal of senses to control the mind |
Nitya | always / daily / certain |
Anitya | uncertain / temporary / ephemeral / transient |
Viveka | awareness after reasoning |
Vicharam | thought / considered conclusion / opinion |
Jaapyasameta | with chanting of the names of the lord |
Samadhividhanam | in the state of trance |
Kurvavadhanam | pay attention |
Mahadavadhanam | great care attention |
- Be the first student
- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 1