- The ABC of life is Always Be Careful (or) Avoid Bad Company.
- Be Good See Good Do Good.
- Please God, please man.
- Love all Serve all.
- Love is giving and forgiving. Self is getting and forgetting.
- Time Waste is Life Waste.
- Money comes and goes. Morality comes and grows.
- Less luggage makes travel more comfortable.
- Start the day with love.
Fill the day with love.
Spend the day with love.
End the day with love.
This is the way to God. - Care not for marks but for remarks.
- Be a hero and not a zero.
- Hands in society. Heads in forest.
- Service to mankind is service to God.
- Watch your Words.
Watch your Actions.
Watch your Thoughts.
Watch your Character.
Watch your Heart. - Truth is God. God is Truth.
- He prays best who loves best.
Baba’s Saying

- Be the first student
- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 0
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