Shatrou Mitre Putre Bandhou

- Shatrou Mitre Putre Bandhou
- Maa Kuru Yatnam Vigrahasandhou
- Sarvasminnapi Pashyatmanam
- Sarvatrotsrija Bhedaajnanam
Do not look at anybody in terms of friend or foe, brother or cousin; do not fritter away your mental energies in thoughts of friendship or enmity. Seeking the Self (Atma) everywhere, be amiable and equal-minded towards all, treating everyone alike.

Shatrou | in (towards)the enemy |
Mitre | in (towards) the friend |
Putre | in (towards) the son |
Bandhou | in (towards) relatives |
Maa | don’t |
Kuru | Do |
Yatnam | Effort |
Vigrahassandhou | for war(dissension) or peace-making |
Sarvasminnapi | in all beings |
Pashyatmanam | see your own self |
Sarvatra | everywhere |
Utsrija | give up |
Bheda Ajnanam | difference/duality |
- Be the first student
- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 0
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