Satsangatwe Nissangattwam

- Satsangatwe Nissangattwam
- Nissangatwe Nirmohatwam
- Nirmohatwe Nishchalatattwam
- Nishchalatattwe Jeevanmukthih
The company of the good weans one away from false attachments ; when attachment is lost, delusion ends; when delusion ends, the mind becomes unwavering and steady. An unwavering and steady mind is merited for Jeevan Mukthi (freedom of spirit and liberation even in this life).

Satsangatwe | in good company |
Nissangattwam | aloneness / non-attachment / detachment |
Nirmohatwam | non-infatuated state / clearheadedness |
Nishchalatattwam | tranquillity / imperturbability |
Jeevanmukthih | salvation + freedom from bondage of birth |
- Be the first student
- Language: English
- Duration: 10 weeks
- Skill level: Any level
- Lectures: 0
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