“Practice makes a man perfect”, but knowledge is better than mere mechanical practice. Better than knowledge is meditation. Better than meditation is renunciation of fruits of action which gives inner peace
Ring out the old & Ring in the New
(Pazhayana Kazhidalum-Pudiyana Pugudalum)
Bhogi marks the beginning of the four-day long Makar Sankranti Festival and the last day of Margazhi.
On that day, the discarded items are offered in the bonfire. It is the removal of worldliness and strengthening of the intellect for higher practice.
Symbolically, it is an annual reminder to burn away our negativities and spring clean our inner self by making a fresh start!!
Let us decorate our front-yards with these delightful Kolams , with the prayer to usher in positive energy all around!!!
श्रेयो हि ज्ञानमभ्यासाज्ज्ञानाध्दयानं विशिशष्यते।
ध्यानात्कर्मफल त्यागस्त्यागाच्छान्तिरनन्तरम्।।
Shreyohi jnaanam abhyaasaat jnaanaa-d- dhyaanam visiShyate
Dhyaanaat karma phala tyaagaha tyaagaa–cchaanti-ranantaram ||12.12 ||
Meaning : Knowledge is better than practice (done without insight or knowledge); better than knowledge is meditation, better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for peace follows such renunciation. Peace is the aim, for which man strives to attain, in life.
Rangolis by : Smt. Bragadeeswari S, Pudukottai
Rangolis by : Smt. Raashika R, BV Alumna, Coimbatore